C10 | Do as Directed, Set 10

       Grammar (Do as Directed)

M.M. 10 Marks              


Test Yourself



1. Fill in the blanks with suitable Determiner:

Mr Gupta went to bazaar and bought_____ honey from _____ shop.

2. Fill in the blanks with suitable Prepositions:

Now women are conscious ....... their position ........ society.

3. Fill in the blanks with suitable Modal:

Candidate _______ answer all questions.

( must/ should)

4. Combine the sentences with a suitable Conjunction:

I was late for school. I missed the first bus. (because)

5. Fill in the blanks with suitable Non-Finite:

He dislikes ______ in the village. (live)

6. Identify the subordinate clause and name it :

  I am glad that you have acted honestly. 

7. Change the Voice:    

What was Sohan doing?

8. Change the narration:

The teacher said to the boy ,"Shut the door."

9. Change it into Future Indefinite Tense:

  We are locking the door.

10. Punctuate the following sentence:    

if you go to agra do visit the taj mahal


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Answer Key

1. Determiner:

     some, a 

2. Preposition:

     of, in

3. Modal:


4. Conjunction:

    I was late for school because I missed the first bus. 

5. Non-Finite:

He dislikes living the village.

6. Clause:

i) Principal Clause :  I am glad 

Sub. Clause : that you have acted honestly

Type: Adverb Clause 

7. Passive Voice:

What was being done by Sohan?

8. Narration/ Reported Speech :

The teacher ordered the boy to shut the door.

9. Future Indefinite Tense:

      We shall lock the door.

10. Punctuation:

If you go to Agra, do visit the Taj Mahal.

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