
Showing posts with the label Crossword

Activity -Numbers ( Part 1 & 2)- Crossword Game

 Activity -Numbers ( Part 1 & 2)- Crossword Game Dear students,  enjoy playing both games. Solve , enjoy and comment below. Hint: Click on the word (Singular) and write the plural.  You will see the Plural written in the columns ( down / across) .  A tick ✔ will appear  before the Singular word if your answer is right;   a cross ❌ , if your answer is wrong.   Solve , enjoy and comment below. Hint:  Click  on the word (Singular) and write the plural.  You will see the  Plural  written in the columns ( down / across) .  A  tick  ✔ will appear  before the Singular word if your answer is right;   a  cross  ❌ , if your answer is wrong.  Stay connected.