
Showing posts with the label Dialogue

C8 / Dialogue between a shop owner and a customer 

Conversation between a shop owner and a customer , Page # 15 Shop owner: How may I help you? Customer: I need to buy some biscuits and ice cream. Shop owner: Which biscuits do you want? Customer: I want good ice cream biscuits. Which ones do you have? Shop owner : I have Little Magic biscuits. Customer: Little Magic? Never heard of them! Shop owner: Oh, they are chocolate biscuits with vanilla and strawberry cream. Customer: That sounds interesting! I think I will buy some. Shop owner: Great! How many should I pack? Customer: Just one. Shop owner: Just one? Customer: Yes, I want to taste it first. Shop owner: Okay. Take it. Customer: What's its price? Shop owner: Nothing. You can keep it. Customer: No, I can't.  Shop owner: Why? Customer: Our teacher, Mrs Acme Mittal, has taught us not to become tempted by such offers. Shop owner:  Impressed! Give me ten rupees for one packet.  Customer: Okay. Shop owner: I must say you made my day. Happy listening!