
Showing posts with the label Characters

How Much Land Does a Man Need?

Let's Meet all the Characters  Que - Ans  1. What did the two women discuss? were they related to each other? Ans. The two women discussed about the town life and village life. They were sisters. 2. What did one woman say in defense of rural life? What was the counter argument? Ans. She said rural life is free from anxiety and worries. 3.  Pakhom listened to the women's chatter. He started brooding and reached a conclusion. What was the conclusion? Ans. He thought if he has enough land, he would not fear the devil also. 4. When the Devil heard pakhom's musings,   what did he decide? Ans. The Devil decided to give Pakhom enough land and have him in his power. 5. The estate- owner on whose land Pakhom was tenant sold her land. Who bought her land? Ans. His neighbour bought fifty acres. Pakhom bought forty acres. 6. How Did Pakhom manage to put together the money for buying the land? Ans. He sold his colt and some bees. He borrowed some money from his brother-in-law. 7. Pakhom

Intro with Teachers

Real Characters : Heroes of Students' Life Would You Like to  Meet All the Real Characters  of Our School? Here they are. 1. Let's Meet English Team:  2. Let's Meet Hindi Team:  3. Let's Meet S.S. Team:           4. Let's Meet Computer Team:   5. Meet our Science team: 6. Meet our Punjabi team: 7. Let's Meet Games & Wel.Life Team: 8. Let's Meet Maths Team:  9. Let's Meet Library and Music Team:  Let's Greet all:    Hope you like it!

Characters of Bed No. 29


Characters of Value of Money

 Let's Meet All the 4 Characters of Value of Money:  1. Narrator  2. Her parents  3. The Bell Centre Employee 

Characters of The Happy Prince

  Characters of The Happy Prince : 1. The Happy Prince  2. Swallow  3. Seamstress  4. Son of the seamstress  5. Playwright  6. Match Girl 7. Mayor 8. Councillors  9. Art Professor  10. Overseer  11. God 12. Angel 13.  Children