
Showing posts with the label English Fair

Show and Tell Activity (Part 5)


Show and Tell Activity # Part 4 -Bird Watching


Show and Tell Activity # 3- Nature

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Show and Tell Activity # 2- Cow

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Show and Tell Activity # 1- Display Board

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Verb of the Day # 38 : Obey | Three Forms of Obey

Verb of the Day # 38: Obey               Three Forms of Obey A verb a day is enough to help students obey our commands. I hope you and your students must have enjoyed all the 38 Verbs. 

Verb of the Day # 37 : Note | Three Forms of Note

Verb of the Day # 37: Note               Three Forms of Note Do you like  Verb of the Day ?

Verb of the Day # 36 : Make | Three Forms of Make

Verb of the Day # 36: Make               Three Forms of Make make a (telephone) call  -  'Hang on. I need to make a quick call.' Make bed 

Verb of the Day # 35 : Let | Three Forms of Let

Verb of the Day # 35: Let               Three Forms of Let

Verb of the Day # 34 : Kick | Three Forms of Kick

Verb of the Day # 34: Kick              Three Forms of Kick

Verb of the Day # 33 : Join | Three Forms of Join | Three Forms of Join

Verb of the Day # 33: Join             Three Forms of Join

Verb of the Day # 32 : Imagine | Three Forms of Imagine

Verb of the Day # 32: Imagine              Three Forms of Imagine Get rest of the verbs @

Verb of the Day # 31: Hang | Three Forms of Hang

Verb of the Day # 31: Hang               Three Forms of Hang to fasten something or be fastened at the top so that the lower part is free or loose किसी वस्‍तु का लटकना, टँगना या उसे लटकाना या टाँगना

Verb of the Day # 30: Give | Three Forms of Give

  Verb of the Day # 30: Give               Three Forms of Give

Verb of the Day # 29 : Flap / Three Forms of Flap

Verb of the Day # 29:Flap               Three Forms of Flap Click here to get the previous posts

Verb of the Day # 28: Edit| Three Forms of Edit

  Verb of the Day # 28: Edit               Three Forms of Edit

Verb of the Day # 27 - Drive | Three Forms of Drive

Verb of the Day # 27: Drive               Three Forms of Drive

Verb of the Day # 25 : Break| Three Forms of Break

Verb of the Day # 25: Break               Three Forms of Break Break =Present Tense,  Broke = Past Tense,                Broken = Past Participle  📌📌   Tip : All the three forms are different:         break- broke- broken ✍  Sentences for Spoken English :  1. Let's break the chain. 2. The dish fell to the floor and broke . 3. She has broken the chocolate bar in half. ✍  Task for you:   Frame a sentence using the verb ' break '.             Happy Learning!

Verb of the Day # 24 : Act | Three Forms of Act

Verb of the Day # 24:Act               Three Forms of Act 📌 Tip : Add just '-ed' after act to make its past or past participle form . Act is a present form.   📌 Remember : Its 2nd and 3rd forms are same : act- acted- acted 📌 Sentences for Spoken English :        1. Think before you act .                2. She acted  without thinking.    3.  Has he acted badly?                 ✍  Task for you :  Frame a sentence using the verb ' act '. Can you make its sentence? If so, write down.                   Happy Learning!

Verb of the Day # 23 : Zoom| Three Forms of Zoom

Verb of the Day # 23: Zoom               Three Forms of Zoom 📌 Tip : Its 2nd and 3rd forms are same. Add '-ed' to the base form in order to make zoomed.        zoom- zoomed- zoomed  ✍  Sentences for Spoken English :  1. The photographer  zooms camera in on the students to show their best handwriting.  2. He zoomed in on the cause of this incident. 3. He has zoomed the camera to show the child's face. ✍ Task for you:  Speak a sentence using the verb ' zoom '.             Happy Learning!