Objective Type Questions of Bed No. 29

Lesson no. 1 - Bed No. 29 by Tariq Rahman ( 1 to 20) 

1.What did the author lose in an accident? (1 point)

a) his job      

b) his eyesight  

c) his paintings 

d) his spectacles

2.What did Naeem ask the author to do? (1 point)

a) to restart painting   

b) to leave the ward  

c) to buy painting 

d) to spend money

3.Who bought the paintings made by the author when he was in the hospital? (1 point)

a) Nurse  

b) Doctor  

c) Friend  

d) Naeem

4. Naeem was a short story writer. (1 point)

a) False         b)True

5. The author first met Naeem in the operation theatre in the hospital. (1 point)

a) False      b) True

6. Naeem used to admire the author's paintings. (1 point)

a) False  b) True

7. Who was the great artist? (1 point)

a) Naeem    

b) Nurse   

c) Buyer   


8. Naeem too was ______ like the author. (1 point)

a) dumb        

b) blind     


d) lame

9. Naeem had provided the author everything needed for............ (1 point)

a) painting    

b) colouring     

c) photography 

d) none of these three

10. Naeem had no money to pay for ________. (1 point)

a) his third operation    

b) his second operation    

c) to buy paintings    

d) to help the author

11. Naeem was in the hospital when the author regained his eyesight. (1 point)

a) False     b)True

12.Who did the author meet in the hospital ward? (1 point)

a) Naeem   

b) Gillian     

c) Subbiah     


13 . The author regained his eyesight after the _________operation. (1 point)

a) first      

b) second  

c) third   


14  The author was a ______ before he lost his eyesight. (1 point)

a) painter   

b) lawyer      

c) detective      

d) merchant

15. Who said," The Goddess of hope smiled on me .......and then it vanished."? (1 point)

a) Nurse    

b) Naeem     

c) Author      

d) Friend

16. Who was known as Number 29? (1 point)

a) Nurse     

b) Subbiah   

c) Naeem    

d) Author

17. Who was the soft spoken and cheerful man? (1 point)

a) Jim     

b) Author    

c) Nurse    

d) Naeem

18. It was ____ who helped the author. (1 point)

a) Author      

b) Gillian     

c) Nurse    

d) Naeem

19. The author knew that Naeem was also blind. (1 point)

a) False       b) True

20. Naeem had painted 4 paintings of different seasons. (1 point)

a) False     b) True

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