Nouns : Definition, Types & Examples

Nouns : Defintion, Types & Examples 

Noun : Noun is a name of a person, place, thing, animal or idea. Examples:

  1. Asia
  2. friendship 
  3. herd
  4. park
  5. wood

Types of Nouns :

1. Common Noun: A common noun is the general, non-specific term for a person, place, thing, or idea. Examples : 

  1. girl
  2. garden
  3. lion
  4. pen
  5. parrot

2. Proper Noun : Proper nouns refer to naming words that are used to denote or classify a specific person, place or thing. Examples:

  1. Acme Mittal
  2. Bathinda
  3. India
  4. Samsung 
  5. The Taj Mahal

3 . Collective Noun: A collective noun is a noun that refers to a group of people or things. Examples:

  1. An army of ants
  2. A bunch of keys
  3. A carton of milk
  4. A colony of rabbits 
  5. A herd of elephants

4. Abstract Noun: Abstract Noun is a  noun that you can't see or touch, but you can feel it. Examples:

  1. danger
  2. friendship 
  3. honesty 
  4. kindness
  5. truth

5. Material Noun: It refers to the matter, material or substance with which things are made. Examples:

  1. gold
  2. iron
  3. leather
  4. plastic 
  5. wood

Happy Learning!


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