Proverb # 20 / Actions speak louder than words

Proverb # 20 / Actions speak louder than words 


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Actions speak louder than words


Proverb : Actions speak louder than words . 

Meaning :  One is judged by what he does , and not by what he says.

ā¨ĩਿā¨…ā¨•ā¨¤ੀ ā¨Ļਾ ā¨¨ਿā¨°ā¨Ŗਾ ā¨‰ā¨¸ ā¨Ļੁā¨†ā¨°ਾ ā¨•ੀā¨¤ੇ ā¨—ā¨ ā¨•ੰā¨Žਾਂ ā¨¤ੋਂ ā¨šੁੰā¨Ļਾ ā¨šੈ, ā¨¨ਾ ā¨•ਿ ā¨‰ā¨š ā¨•ੀ ā¨•ā¨šਿੰā¨Ļਾ ā¨šੈ।

CLICK HERE : Proverbs


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