Sample Paper, Class 9

 Sample Paper, Class 9

🔊 Answer Key:
1. a
2. d
3. c
4. c
5. b

🔊 Answer Key:
6. c
7. a
8. b
9. c
10. a

🔊 Answer Key:
1. c
       2. True
3. c
4. c
                                   5. Three copper coins
6. a
        7. False
 8. b

🔊 Answer Key ( Section- D) :

6. a) birth
     b) round ( n) : He was declared the               winner in the first round.
      round (adj) : He bought a round table.
     c) huge =small
         deep= shallow

🔊 Answer Key ( Section- E) :

7 a)Translation- English to Punjabi 

1.ā¨‰ā¨¸ā¨¨ੂੰ ā¨ˆā¨°ā¨–ਾ ā¨¤ੋਂ ā¨Ļੂā¨° ā¨°ੱā¨–ੋ। 
2. ā¨‡ā¨š ā¨‡ੱā¨• ā¨…ā¨œਿā¨šੀ ā¨˜ā¨Ÿā¨¨ਾ ā¨¸ੀ ā¨œਿā¨¸ā¨¨ੇ ā¨ĩਿā¨—ਿā¨†ā¨¨ā¨•  ā¨œā¨—ā¨¤ ā¨¨ੂੰ ā¨šੈā¨°ਾā¨¨ ā¨•ā¨° ā¨Ļਿੱā¨¤ਾ।     
3. ā¨¸ā¨Žਾਂ ā¨…ā¨¤ੇ ā¨˛ā¨šਿā¨° ā¨•ਿā¨¸ੇ ā¨Ļਾ ā¨‡ੰā¨¤āŠ›ਾā¨° ā¨¨ā¨šੀਂ ā¨•ā¨°ā¨Ļੇ।          
4. ā¨Ŧੀā¨¤ ā¨šੁੱā¨•ੇ ā¨¸ā¨Žੇਂ ā¨¤ੇ ā¨Ēā¨›ā¨¤ਾā¨‰ā¨Ŗਾ ā¨¨ā¨šੀਂ ā¨šਾā¨šੀā¨Ļਾ।                
5. ā¨…ā¨•ਾā¨ļ ā¨¤ਾā¨°ਿā¨†ਂ ā¨¨ਾā¨˛ ā¨šā¨Žā¨• ā¨‰ੱā¨ ਿā¨†।                     

7. b) Translation- Punjabi to English 

  1. I can speak Punjabi.           
  2. The sun rises in the east. 
3. Has the gardener not been watering the plants since morning?
4. The teacher had not taught the.   lesson. 
5. We had been living in Jalandhar since 1998.

8. Grammar
1. a) any
     b) a
2. a) could 
    b) should 
3. a) for
    b) into
4. a) yet
    b) lest
5. She is rich, yet she leads an unhappy  life. 
6. Subordinate clause: who works hard
    Type : Adjective Clause

Keep learning!


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