C10 Central ideas of all the Poems, Class 10

Central ideas/ Summary/ Questions of all the Poems ( Secure 4 marks)

1. Write a note on the central idea of the poem' Character of a Happy Man'.
 Write a summary of the poem in your own words. 
 How does a man become really happy? 

Ans:- A truly happy person leads an honest  life. He is jealous of none. He is content with whatever he has. He is not a slave of his passions. He prays to God daily and follows the path of goodness.

2. What is the theme or central idea of the poem-Death, the Leveller? 
 Write the summary of the poem in your own words. 
Ans:- This poem addresses the inevitability of death for all people, regardless of their social status or accomplishments. The poem tells us that death treats all at par. It spares none. All have to bow before the power of death sooner or later. Only the good deeds of a person are remembered after death.

3. What is the central idea of the poem A Ballad of Sir Pertab Singh? 
 Ans:- The poem brings out the folly of the Hindu caste system. All men are equal in the eyes of God. No one is high or low by caste. Humanity is the only true caste. A caste that divides men from men can’t be called a true caste. 

4. Write a summary of the poem in your own words. 
Ans:- Pertab Singh was the king of Jodhpore. He had an English friend. Now he had died. But no one came forward to carry his bier. Pertab Singh himself came forward to carry the bier. He proved that humanity is the only true caste.

5. What is the theme or central idea of the poem 'Razia, the Tigress? 
Ans:- The poem brings out the dangers to our wildlife and natural resources. Man has been cutting the trees for his selfishness. The poor wild animals have nowhere to live. They live in the danger of poachers. 

6. Write the summary of the poem ‘Razia The Tigress’. 
Ans:- Razia is a young tigress. Sheru is a male tiger. They have two little cubs. But now Sheru has left them. She cannot go hunting. She fears that poachers or Hyenas can come and kill her cubs.

7. What is the central idea of the poem? 
 What is the summary of the poem? 
 What does the poet desire for his country? 
Ans:- The poet prays to God to turn his country into a heaven of freedom. He prays that his countrymen should give up all evils. They should not be narrow- minded. Only then they can get the real freedom.


🔊🔊 Understand all the Poems ⬇️

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