Underachievers /Weak Students : Why are they weak? How to deal with them?

Have you ever wondered why some students are intelligent and some are weak?

Well, there are certain facts which are responsible for distinguishing them.

No student is weak. They can lag behind

 in academics, but not everywhere.

Why are some learners weak in academics?

1. They don't come to school regularly.

2. They are less prone to be punctual. 

3. They avoid doing hard work. 

4. Their notes or notebooks are usually incomplete. 

5. Their books and notebooks are in bad shape and in bad condition. 

6. They tend to forget their books and notebooks.

7. They don't make eye contact with the teacher. 

8. They don't like to participate in any event. 

9. Their communication skills hinder their progress.

10. They hesitate to reply even if they know the answer. 

11. They don't repeat the lesson. 

12. It's difficult to read their handwritten material. 

13. Their sitting power is awfully less.

14. They learn and forget at the same time. 

15. Their focus remains on less important tasks.

16. Their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills halt their learning power. 

17. They are least interested in academic work.

18. They shun interaction with the peers and the teachers. 

19. They don't plan. If ever they plan, they don't stick to it.

20. Procrastination plays the key role.

21. They learn without understanding the concepts. It's just like swallowing and not chewing food. 

22. They cram only during the exams or the tests.  

23. They don't spend time on studies regularly. 

24. They feel peer pressure. 

25. They like to study alone, not in groups or pairs.

26. They don't clear their doubts.

27. They seldom get their notebooks checked.

28. They don't know about their potential. 

How to deal with them?

If a parent, a teacher or a guardian talks to them, guides them, motivates them occasionally, they move towards the path of learning. 

Stories and examples of your own,  other teachers or some eminent personalities can ignite their brain power.

Celebrating their special achievements and birthdays  boost their confidence. 

Time - to - time counselling works wonders.

More interaction, group activities/ tasks , incessant care  and contact certainly makes their learning better. Gradually but definitely, they can become good performers and achievers. No one is  a born achiever. 

They also need love and care. Let's respect their identity and make them feel - they are unique and special. 

Stop saying them weak. Start using other terms for them. Viz. 



Poor Performers,




Slow Learners, 




If knowledge is power, use this to make them powerful. The only difference between the Achievers and Underachievers is the way they are being dealt with. 

Different approach must be hired to calculate the knowledge stored in them. Merely tests and exams can not justify their brain capacity. If a paper is tough, all the students feel themselves incapable of attempting it.

The purpose of education is to impart knowledge, not to judge a child's abilities and skills only. Rather, it must focus on his practical understanding , and applying the knowledge gained by him in a due course of time.

Every child is not a genius but everyone possesses some skill, talent, ability or practical knowledge. 

 Some practical approach is required. Less weightage to theory marks and more weightage to practical / CCE marks can help them grow happier. 

No student will commit suicide. 

No one will feel depressed or stressed. 

Let's help them achieve their goals and self-esteem. 

I am ready , aren't you?


Acme Mittal 

English Mistress 

GGSSS Goniana Mandi 

94179 02323 

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