
Showing posts with the label Pair of Words

Test Your Vocabulary ( Set 22)

              Test Your Vocabulary ( Set  22) Each question carries one mark.  (  Maximum Marks = 5) Comment below.  ⬇️⬇️ 🔊 🔊🔊 Attempt the following: a)  Fill in the blank with a suitable word:     He was found ______ in the class.      (dose/ doze) b)  Use the following idiom in a sentence on your own:        A clean slate c)  Give one word for the following:       The science which deals with life  d)  Correct the following sentence:       Neither Tom nor his sister have gone to school. e)  Complet e  the following  Proverb :      _________ before you can crawl. ●●□□●●□□●●□□●●□□●●□□●●□□●●□□●●□□●●□□ CHECK YOUR ANSWERS: Join us @  CLICK HERE ☆☆☆☆☆ Join our Community group to get this Vocabulary Test personally:  CLICK HERE

Test Your Vocabulary ( Set 21)

              Test Your Vocabulary ( Set  21) Each question carries one mark.  (  Maximum Marks = 5) Comment below.  ⬇️⬇️ 🔊 🔊🔊 Attempt the following: a)  Fill in the blank with a suitable word:     Ram is my ______  friend.      (dear/ deer) b)  Use the following idiom in a sentence on your own:        To call a spade a spade c)  Give one word for the following:       A bunch of flowers  d)  Correct the following sentence:       Much men are poor. e stay e)  Complet e  the following  Proverb :      Don't  put all your eggs_________. ●●□□●●□□●●□□●●□□●●□□●●□□●●□□●●□□●●□□ CHECK YOUR ANSWERS: Join us @  CLICK HERE ☆☆☆☆☆ Join our Community group to get this Vocabulary Test personally:  CLICK HERE

Test Your Vocabulary ( Set 20)

             Test Your Vocabulary ( Set  20) Each question carries one mark.  (  Maximum Marks = 5) Comment below.  ⬇️⬇️ 🔊 🔊🔊 Attempt the following: a)  Fill in the blank with a suitable word:      Your  _______ have helped me a lot.      (council/ counsel) b)  Use the following idiom in a sentence on your own:         A cat and a dog life c)  Give one word for the following:       To speak ill of a person in his absence  d)  Correct the following sentence:      Ria's hair are black.  t e)  Complet e  the following  Proverb :      Don't count your chickens _________ . i ●●□□●●□□●●□□●●□□●●□□●●□□●●□□●●□□●●□□ CHECK YOUR ANSWERS: Join us @  CLICK HERE ☆☆☆☆☆ Join our Community group to get this Vocabulary Test personally:  CLICK HERE

Test Your Vocabulary ( Set 19)

            Test Your Vocabulary ( Set  19) Each question carries one mark.  (  Maximum Marks = 5) Comment below. ⬇️⬇️ 🔊 🔊🔊 Attempt the following: a)  Fill in the blank with a suitable word:      He _______ him from going further.      (check/ cheque) b)  Use the following idiom in a sentence on your own:         To carry the day c)  Give one word for the following:       That which can be broken easily  d)  Correct the following sentence:      Rich should help the poor.  e)  Complet e  the following  Proverb :      Don't bite the hand _________ . it ●●□□●●□□●●□□●●□□●●□□●●□□●●□□●●□□●●□□ CHECK YOUR ANSWERS: Join us @  CLICK HERE ☆☆☆☆☆ Join this Community group to get this Vocabulary Test personally:  CLICK HERE

Test Your Vocabulary ( Set 18)

           Test Your Vocabulary ( Set  18) Each question carries one mark.  (  Maximum Marks = 5) Comment below. ⬇️⬇️ 🔊 🔊🔊 Attempt the following: a)  Fill in the blank with a suitable word:      Drinking is a bad ___________ .      (custom/ habit) b)  Use the following idiom in a sentence on your own:         On the cards c)  Give one word for the following:       A man who is not married  d)  Correct the following sentence:      Come and see me at Sunday. e)  Complet e  the following  Proverb :      Cleanliness is next to ________ .  ●●□□●●□□●●□□●●□□●●□□●●□□●●□□●●□□●●□□ CHECK YOUR ANSWERS: Join us @  CLICK HERE ☆☆☆☆☆ Join this Community group to get this Vocabulary Test personally:  CLICK HERE

Worksheet # 31 / Test / Pair of Words:

Pair of Words Worksheet # 31 : 1. She is ____ at painting.(adopt/adept) 2. My good _____ saved me from sin. (angel/ angle) 3. A blacksmith is an_____.             ( artisan/ artist) 4. Her _____ dress was beautiful.    (bridal/ bridle) 5. Can you ____ this chain?     (brake/break) 6. _____ off your old shoes.   (Cast/ Caste) 7. Draw a ____ in a circle. (chord/ cord) 8. Take your ___ of medicine.        (dose/ doze) 9. The ship ____ in the river.           (drown/ sink) 10. _____ writing is a good habit.    (Dairy/ Diary) Answer Key : 1. adept 2. angel 3. artisan 4. bridal  5. break 6. Cast 7. chord  8. dose 9. sank 10. Diary 10 sentences are given to you. *Spare just one minute to attempt this test and see how many marks do you get.* ✍ Test yourself:             Happy Learning!



Worksheet # 26 - Pair of Words


Pair of Words ( Part 3)


Check Your Answers/ Pair of words- 20 ( Part 1 and 2)

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Pair of Words ( Part 2)


Pair of Words ( Part 1)

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Quizlet # 209 : Pair of Words

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