
Showing posts with the label Worksheets

Worksheet # 24 - Conjunctions (Fill in the blanks)

Fill in the blanks with suitable Conjunction: Answer Key:   1. if 2. No sooner, than  3. As long as 4. hardly  , when 5. Unless 6. since 7. till 8. so that 9. until 10. If 11. Until 12. till 13. While 14. because  15. since 16. before 17. until 18. when 19. Although  20. as well as Stay connected, stay advanced. Watch all the videos on Conjunctions @ ➡️  Click on the following  links to get all the Worksheets for Practice :  Determiners / Articles Some / any  Little/ Few Many/ Much   Possessives Use of each, every, both and all more or less Use of Prepositions- in and at Prepositions- on, in and at Prepositions- among or between Prepositions- in and into Prepositions- on or upon Prepositions- with and by Prepositions- beside and besides Prepositions- since and for Prepositions- of and off Modals  (All) Modals - Can or Could Modals - must, ought to , should Modals - May, Might and Can Modals - dare or need Modals - Use

Worksheet # 23: Conjunctions ( Underline the conjunctions)

  Worksheet : Conjunctions  A conjunction is a word which joins two words, phrases or sentences . Some common conjunctions are and, but, so, because.  Underline the conjunctions in the following sentences: Answer Key: 1. and 2. and 3. and 4. because  5. but 6. but 7. because  8. and 9. and 10. but 11. and 12. so 13. but 14. so 15. but 16. because  17. or 18. and 19. because  20. but     Watch all the videos on Conjunctions @ ➡️  Click on the following  links to get all the Worksheets for Practice :  Determiners / Articles Some / any  Little/ Few Many/ Much   Possessives Use of each, every, both and all more or less Use of Prepositions- in and at Prepositions- on, in and at Prepositions- among or between Prepositions- in and into Prepositions- on or upon Prepositions- with and by Prepositions- beside and besides Prepositions- since and for Prepositions- of and off Modals  (All) Modals - Can or Could Modals - must, ough

Worksheet # 22 || Use of will, shall and would

 Explanation & Test Yourself  Worksheet  - Modals Use of will, shall and would  Answer Key: 1. shaill 2. would 3. will 4. will 5. would  6. would 7. would  8. would 9. would  10. would 11. will 12. Would 13. would 14. would 15. will 16. would 17. Shall 18. will 19. Would 20. Would ➡️  Get all the useful videos on Modals @ ➡️  Click on the following  links to get all the Worksheets for Practice :  Determiners / Articles Some / any  Little/ Few Many/ Much   Possessives Use of each, every, both and all more or less Use of Prepositions- in and at Prepositions- on, in and at Prepositions- among or between Prepositions- in and into Prepositions- on or upon Prepositions- with and by Prepositions- beside and besides Prepositions- since and for Prepositions- of and off Modals  (All) Modals - Can or Could Modals - must, ought to , should Modals - May, Might and Can Modals - dare or need Modals - Use of will, shall or woul

Worksheet # 21 || Use of dare and need

Watch the explanation & then Test Yourself  Worksheet  - Modals ⏬️ (Use of dare or need) Answer Key: 1. dare 2. dare 3. need 4. need 5. Need 6. need 7. dare 8. daren't 9. dare 10. need ♦️🛑 Watch all the useful & informative videos on Modals @ ➡️  Click on the following  links to get all the Worksheets for Practice :  Determiners / Articles Some / any  Little/ Few Many/ Much   Possessives Use of each, every, both and all more or less Use of Prepositions- in and at Prepositions- on, in and at Prepositions- among or between Prepositions- in and into Prepositions- on or upon Prepositions- with and by Prepositions- beside and besides Prepositions- since and for Prepositions- of and off Modals  (All) Modals - Can or Could Modals - must, ought to , should Modals - May, Might and Can Modals - dare or need Modals - Use of will, shall or would Conjunctions - Fill ups   Conjunctions - Underline   ➡️ Join us to get m

Worksheet # 20 || Use of May, Might and Can

  Worksheet  - Modals  (Use of May, Might and Can) ❤️💙❤️ Test Yourself ⏬️ 👉 Fill in the blanks with suitable Modal)  Answers: 1. can 2. May 3. can 4. might 5. May 6. can 7. can 8. may 9. can 10. may 11. may 12. Can 13. may 14. might 15. can 16. may 17. May 18. can't 19. Can 20. can 21. Can 22. might 23. can 24. may 25. can ♦️🛑 Watch all the useful & informative videos on Modals @ ➡️  Click on the following  links to get all the Worksheets for Practice :  Determiners / Articles Some / any  Little/ Few Many/ Much   Possessives Use of each, every, both and all more or less Use of Prepositions- in and at Prepositions- on, in and at Prepositions- among or between Prepositions- in and into Prepositions- on or upon Prepositions- with and by Prepositions- beside and besides Prepositions- since and for Prepositions- of and off Modals  (All) Modals - Can or Could Modals - must, ought to , should Modals - May, Might a

Worksheet # 19 - Modals ( must, ought to , should)

  Worksheet  - Modals  (must, ought to , should) ❤️💙❤️ Test Yourself ⏬️ 👉 Fill in the blanks with suitable Modal)  👉 Answer Key: must should  must ought  must must must must must must should ought to  must must must must must must  must must must should should should must should  should  should should  must should  should  should  must must ➡️  Click on the following  links to get all the Worksheets for Practice :  Determiners / Articles Some / any  Little/ Few Many/ Much   Possessives Use of each, every, both and all more or less Use of Prepositions- in and at Prepositions- on, in and at Prepositions- among or between Prepositions- in and into Prepositions- on or upon Prepositions- with and by Prepositions- beside and besides Prepositions- since and for Prepositions- of and off Modals  (All) Modals - Can or Could Modals - must, ought to , should Modals - May, Might and Can Modals - dare or need Modals - Use of will, shall or would Conjunctions - Fill ups   Conjunctions - Underline

Worksheet # 18 - Modals ( Can or Could)

Worksheet on Modals  ⏭️ Test Yourself ( Reply all the questions based on can or could) Worksheet (Fill in the blanks with suitable Modal ) 🛑♦️🛑 Answer Key:  Could could could could Could could Could can could could could could can could could 🛑♦️🛑 Watch all the useful & informative videos on Modals @ ➡️  Click on the following  links to get all the Worksheets for Practice :  Determiners / Articles Some / any  Little/ Few Many/ Much   Possessives Use of each, every, both and all more or less Use of Prepositions- in and at Prepositions- on, in and at Prepositions- among or between Prepositions- in and into Prepositions- on or upon Prepositions- with and by Prepositions- beside and besides Prepositions- since and for Prepositions- of and off Modals  (All) Modals - Can or Could Modals - must, ought to , should Modals - May, Might and Can Modals - dare or need Modals - Use of will, shall or would Conjunctions - Fil

Worksheet # 17 - Modals

  Worksheet # 17 - Modals  Fill in the blanks with suitable Modals : 🛑♦️🛑 Answer Key:  Could May could must would dare would should  must Could would must can't  could can should  Might could Could  used to ⏭️ Some Key Points : 1. We use would ● when we imagine a situation ● in conditionals 2. Use might in case of very little possibility 👉⏬️👉 Watch these videos and get all the important sentences: ⏭️ ⏭️ Explanation ( With Rules, Examples and Exercise) : 1. Use of can or could 2. Use of must, ought to and should  3. Use of May, Might, Can 4. Use of dare and need 5.  Will,Shall or would  ➡️  Get all the useful videos on Modals @ ➡️  Click on the following  links to get all the Worksheets for Practice :  Determiners / Articles Some / any  Little/ Few Many/ Much   Possessives Use of each, every, both and all more or less Use of Prepositions- in and at Prepositions- on, in and at Prepositions- among or between P