
Worksheet # 17 - Modals

  Worksheet # 17 - Modals  Fill in the blanks with suitable Modals : 🛑♦️🛑 Answer Key:  Could May could must would dare would should  must Could would must can't  could can should  Might could Could  used to ⏭️ Some Key Points : 1. We use would ● when we imagine a situation ● in conditionals 2. Use might in case of very little possibility 👉⏬️👉 Watch these videos and get all the important sentences: ⏭️ ⏭️ Explanation : 1. Use of can or could 2. Use of must, ought to and should  3. Use of May, Might, Can 4. Use of dare and need ➡️  Get all the useful videos on Modals @ ➡️  Click on the following  links to get all the Worksheets for Practice :  Determiners / Articles Some / any  Little/ Few Many/ Much   Possessives Use of each, every, both and all more or less Use of Prepositions- in and at Prepositions- on, in and at Prepositions- among or between Prepositions- in and into Prepositions- on or upon Prepositions

Registration & Continuation Schedule

Registration & Continuation Schedule  Note the important dates : Read the details ⏬️ ➡️ Join us to stay updated @  Facebook  ||    WhatsApp .  ||   YouTube   ||  WhatsApp Channel  ||  Telegram

Disability - Types , Identification & Symptoms

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C9 Holidays H.W.|| May- June 2024

 Holidays H.W. ➡️Click here to get  Bimonthly Syllabus ☆●☆ Get solved Comprehension @ ➡️ Click here to get the content of  Grooming of a Boy . Plants Also Breathe and Feel  , The Magic Violin  , Wishes Come True  , Open Thy Eyes and See Thy God Click here to revise more Synonyms Answer Key: can would must May should can Would  should  could  ought to ➡️ Click here to get the translation of  Grooming of a Boy  . Click here to get the translation of  Plants also Breathe and Feel Click here to get the translation of  Punjabi to English Translation The Person I Admire the Most "With him, every moment is a treasure." I have come across many good persons in my life, but t he person I admire the most is my father. He is the pillar of our family. He cares about us. He is considerate, courteous and supportive.  He is affable; he knows how to make others feel better and comfortable.I wonder how he manages

Portmanteau Word- Camcorder

Portmanteau Word-  Camcorder  camera + recorder = camcorder A camcorder is   a portable combined video camera and video recorder. A camcorder is a camera that you can carry around and use for recording pictures and sound on a video cassette.  Hence,   camcorder =  camera + recorder  ➡️ Join us today to get more  material  @  Facebook  ||    WhatsApp .  ||   YouTube   ||  WhatsApp Channel  ||  Telegram ❓️  Are you looking for more Portmanteau Words?  Yes ! Click on the following links and explore more ⏬️ ⏬️ Brunch Camcorder Chillax Emoticon Workaholic Hope you enjoy using them, don't you? 

Portmanteau Word - Brunch

Portmanteau Word - Brunch  Brunch = br-  + -unch The word brunch is formed by splicing two words “ breakfast ” and “ lunch .”  The spliced parts “ br-” and “-unch” are blended to form a portmanteau word, “brunch,” which is the meal taken between breakfast and lunch. ā¨‰ā¨š ā¨­ੋā¨œā¨¨ ā¨œੋ ā¨¤ੁā¨¸ੀਂ ā¨¸ā¨ĩੇā¨°ੇ ā¨Ļੇā¨° ā¨¨ਾā¨˛ ā¨¨ਾā¨¸਼ā¨¤ੇ ā¨…ā¨¤ੇ ā¨Ļੁā¨Ēā¨šਿā¨° ā¨Ļੇ ā¨–ਾā¨Ŗੇ ā¨Ļੇ ā¨¸ੁā¨Žੇā¨˛ ā¨ĩā¨œੋਂ ā¨–ਾਂā¨Ļੇ ā¨šੋ। ➡️ Join us today to get more  material  @  Facebook  ||    WhatsApp .  ||   YouTube   ||  WhatsApp Channel  ||  Telegram ❓️  Are you looking for more Portmanteau Words?  Yes ! Click on the following links and explore more ⏬️ ⏬️ Brunch Camcorder Chillax Emoticon Workaholic Hope you enjoy using them, don't you?