Objective Type Questions of Where Is Science Taking Us?

Chapter # 2 -

Where Is Science Taking Us? by Dr S.W. Pennycuick

(21 to 35 )

21. The human brain is the greatest miracle of all.

a) True       b) False

22. We can fly with machines.  We don't need_____ to fly.

a) wings     b) arms     c) air    d) sky

23. Modern drugs have decreased the average span of life of human beings.

a) True      b) False

24. Machines give us more and more hours of _______.

a) leisure      b) hard work    c) life     d) health

25. Pick the odd one out:

a) Charity    b) Forbearance   c) Mercy    d) Machine

26. According to the writer, science is doing 'less than nothing for material things'.

a) True   b) False

27. Which age group is overcrowded today?

a) childhood    b) middle age group    c) upper age group  d) none of these

28. Science has helped man to live_______.

a)  forever    b) no more     c) longer   d) a short life


29. Now the wars have become ______.

a) impossible     b) rare    c) easy   d) very terrible 

30. The spirit of tolerance and understanding is  necessary  for humans.

a) True     b) False

31. The number of aged persons has come down.

a) True    b) False

32. Science produces goods, but it has no control over the consequences.

a) True    b) False

33. Science is doing a lot in respect of ethical and spiritual values.

a) True     b) False

34. Machines are there in every field of human activity.

a) True      b) False

35. During the war, many people had to starve.

a)True     b) False

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