Part # 8- Past Perfect Tense


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Learn *Past Perfect Tense* in an interesting Way/ Fastest ☝ First

Lear it with the help of rules and explanation.

● You are taught 5 sentences.. 
Give the correct answers and become the Winner of Day.
i) She will be singing then.
ii) At this time tomorrow we will be listening to the PM address at the UN General Assembly. 
iii) Will you be going to the movie tonight ?
iv) I will be staying here till Sunday. 
v) We shall be waiting for you when you get back tomorrow.

● Get rules & explanation . Learn how to identify & use Past Perfect Tense.

● Know the difference between
 Past Indefinite & Past Perfect.

● Get 5 bonus questions. Reply the answers in the comment box.
Supply the correct form- 
i) the train_____( leave) when we reached the station.
ii) The sun (set) before we reached home.
iii) he ( beat) you in the race before you defeated him in boxing.
iv) If only he____( pay) attention to the advice of his elders 
v) The doctor arrived after the patient __(die).

Acme Mittal


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