Definitions for you

 1. Determiners :  a word which is used at the beginning of a noun group to indicate, for example, which thing you are referring to or whether you are referring to one thing or several.

It limits or fixes the meaning of a noun. It is also called a Noun marker.

Example-  a, an, the, some, any, little, few,  many, much ,etc.

These words determine the position of a noun.

2. Prepositiona word or phrase that is used before a noun or pronoun to show place, time, direction, etc.

Example- in, on, into, under, by, with, of, off, etc. 

It is an important word used with a noun or noun equivalent to show its relation with some other word in the sentence. 

3. Non-Finitea verb that is either a participle , a gerund or an infinitive with 'to', and does not show tense or number.

Example- help, to help, swimming,  frightened

4.  Voice- a form of a verb indicating the relation between the participants in a narrated event (subject, object) and the event itself. 


Active - I can do it. 

Passive- It can be done by me.

The sentence using the active form of the verb is said to be in active voice while the one using the passive form of the verb is said to be in passive voice.

A passive verb contains be+ v.3( past participle) structure. 

5. Simple sentence-  A sentence which has only one subject and one predicate is known as a simple sentence. 

For example- My sister works very hard. 

6. Compound Sentence: a compound sentence  is composed of two or more co-ordinate clauses. 

 For example:  Piyush loves Mathematics but Sheena hates it.

7. Complex Sentence: A complex sentence is composed of two or more clauses.  One of the clauses in a complex sentence  is more important than the other/others.  The more important clause is called the Main close or the Principal close . The less important clause/ clauses is /are called the Subordinate or Dependent clause/clauses.

For example- I know a man who lives in Canada.

8. Clause: a group of words that includes a subject and a verb. A clause is usually only part of a sentence.


All that glitters is not gold.

Life is what you make it.


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