Types of Sentence

 Types of Sentence :

Read the sentences given below and state which type of sentences they are in the given space.

1. He plays football.  (Affirmative)

2. He does not live here.                 (Negative)

3. Please help me.          (Imperative)

4. May you grow wiser!             (Optative)

5. Do you play?                           (Interrogative)

6.  How brave he is!            (Exclamatory)

7. Always speak the truth.       (Imperative)

 8. Who does not love his country?                    (Interrogative)

 9. How ugly the camel is!              ( Exclamatory)

 10. Does he come here daily?  (Interrogative)

 11. Leave this place.                       ( Imperative)

 12. May you live long!            (Optative)

 13. Has he come here?          (Interrogative)

14. May you succeed!       (Optative)

15. The earth moves around the sun.                                   (Affirmative)

I6. I wish you were rich!                (Optative)

17. Where is your pen?       (Interrogative)

I8. I wish I were a king!          (Optative)

19. What a pity! You missed your chance.                        (Exclamatory)

20. Wait for me.              (Imperative)

📌 Remember

1. Every sentence begins with a capital letter.

2. A full stop or period (.) is placed at the end of every imperative or assertive sentence.

3. A mark of exclamation (!) is placed at the end of every optative or exclamatory sentence.

4. A question mark (?) is placed at the end of every interrogative sentence.

⏬️⏬️ Test Yourself ⏬️⏬️

✍ Learn and write. 


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