Objective Type Questions ( Part 1) , class 10 : Chapters & Poems

 M.C.B. & Supplementary Reader: 

52 Questions

Content :

  • The Happy Prince (7)
  • Where Is Science Taking Us?(6)
  • Secret of Happiness (5)
  • A Gift for Christmas (6)
  • Character of a Happy Man(4)
  • Death, the Leveller (3)
  • A Ballad of Sir Pertab Singh (3)
  • Bed No. 29 (6)
  • Half a Rupee Worth (6)
  • One Thousand Dollars (6)

🥁🎯🥁 Watch this video to understand questions of First Four Chapters of M.C.B.

Poetry Section




Chapter # 1 : The Happy Prince

☆●☆  Who is the author of The Happy Prince?     

Ans. Oscar Wilde          


  1. The son of seamstress was crying because he wanted to go to Egypt.                                Ans. False
  2. The statue of the Happy Prince was decorated with diamonds.                           Ans. False
  3. The drops were coming from the ………….. of the Happy Prince.                                         Ans. eyes
  4. The man in the garret was writing a _____.      Ans. play                    
  5. The poor seamstress was given the …………by the swallow.  (1) gold      (2) sapphire        (3) ruby       (4) oranges                                    Ans. ruby
  6. Who ordered to pull down the statue of the Happy Prince?   (1) Mayor     (2) swallow    (3) seamstress     (4) playwright      Ans. Mayor
  7. Who was sent to bring the two most precious things from the city ?  (1) Mayor    (2) God      (3) angel        (4) match girl           Ans. Angel

📌 Revise and Memorize. 

*Read the Que, think of its answer and then check your answer. Do tell how many answers were correct.


Chapter # 2: Where Is Science Taking Us?

  1. According to the writer, science is doing less than nothing for material things.              Ans. False
  2.  ………………………. values are needed in the world today.                                                        Ans. Moral and spiritual values
  3. Name two non-material things mentioned in the lesson.                                                Ans. charity, mercy
  4. Machines give us more and more hours of ………… .    (1) hard work    (2) leisure       (3) life       (4) health                                        Ans. leisure
  5. Which age group is overcrowded today ? (1) childhood    (2)middle age group     (3) upper age group      (4) none of these     Ans.  upper age group 
  6. Science has helped man to live…………. .    (1) forever   (2) no more   (3) longer  (4) a short life                                                             Ans. longer

📌 Revise and Memorize. 

*Read the Que, think of its answer and then check your answer. Do tell how many answers were correct.


Chapter # 3 : Secret of Happiness 

1. Which illustration was used by the professor of Psychology? 
Ans. Burning glass

2. Who declared to give sermon against fear? 
 i) professor of Psychology 
ii) Gilberton Chesterton 
iii) Author 
iv) Kagawa 
Ans. Gilberton Chesterton

3. The author found an elephant when he flung open the door. (True/ False)
Ans. False

4. We should have faith that _____ is always with us. 
 i) God
 ii) somebody
 iii) everyman 
 iv) nobody 
Ans. God

5. _____ in God gives us real peace of mind. 
i) fear 
ii) hatred
 iii) faith
 iv) anger
Ans. Faith

📌 Revise and Memorize. 

*Read the Que, think of its answer and then check your answer. Do tell how many answers were correct.


Chapter # 4: A Gift for Christmas 

1. The signs of richness were everywhere in their house. (True / False)
Ans. False

2. What did Della buy for Jim as a Christmas gift?
 i) jeans 
 ii) set of combs
 iii) watch 
 iv) watch-chain
Ans. Watch -chain

3. The proud possession of Jim was his _____.
  i) salary 
  ii) Della
  iii) gold watch
  iv) flat
Ans. gold watch

4. Who did not have enough money to buy a Christmas present?
 i) Jim 
 ii) Della
 iii) both of them 
 iv) none of them
Ans. Both of them

5. Della sold her hair for twenty dollars. 

6. What did Jim buy for Della as a Christmas gift?
 i) jeans
 ii) set of combs 
 iii) watch
 iv) watch-chain
Ans. set of combs


Poems  : Character of a Happy Man,
                 Death, the Leveller & 
                 A Ballad of Sir Pertab Singh 
  1. Who is the poet of Character of a Happy Man ?                                                             Ans. Sir Henry Wotton 
  2. A happy man is afraid of death.                   Ans. False
  3. A happy man envies _____ . (1) None    (2) his friends   (3) everyone     (4) the rich           Ans. none 
  4. A happy man obeys the rules of ………… .   (1) traffic       (2) king        (3) goodness     (4) government                                               Ans. goodness 
  5. Who is the poet of Death, the Leveller?              Ans. James Shirley 
  6. Ultimate fate of all human beings is ………. . (1) old age    (2) life          (3) youth    (4) death                                                             Ans. death
  7. What lives after death?  (1) name         (2) good deeds   (3) fame             (4) glory      Ans. good deeds

     8. Sir Pertab Singh lived in _____House. 

       i) Red-rose ii) Black-rose iii) Rose-red iv)          Rose-blood

Ans. Rose-red House 

9. Sir Pertab Singh’s friend was an English soldier. i) an Indian ii) a Chinese iii) an English iv) a Pakistani

Ans. An English soldier 

10. According to the priests, Pertab Singh lost his caste forever. (True/ False)

Ans. True 

📌 Revise and Memorize. 

*Read the Que, think of its answer and then check your answer. Do tell how many answers were correct.


Supplementary Reader:

Chapter # 1 : Bed No. 29

  1. Naeem was in the hospital when the author regained his eye.                                                   Ans. False
  2. The author knew that Naeem was also blind.                                                             Ans. False
  3. The author was a ……………..before he lost his eyesight.                                                        Ans. painter
  4. Who did the author meet in the hospital ward? (1) Naeem (2) Bobby Gillian (3) Subbiah (4) Della                                              Ans. Naeem
  5. The author regained his eyesight after the …….. . (1) First operation (2) second operation (3) third operation (4) Fourth operation                                                              Ans. the third operation 
  6.  Naeem urged the author to restart………. . (1) dancing (2) singing (3) studying (4) painting                                                        Ans. painting 

📌 Revise and Memorize. 

*Read the Que, think of its answer and then check your answer. Do tell how many answers were correct.

✍️ Learn and write them in your fair notebook. 


Chapter # 2 : Half a Rupee Worth 

1. Subbiah was a rice merchant. (True/False)

Ans. True

2. Subbiah had ___ children.

 i) two ii) three iii) four iv) five

Ans. Five

3. Subbiah’s profit _____ during the war.

 i) increased ii) decreased iii) go down iv) did not change

Ans. increased 

4. Where did Subbiah’s wife take the man? Ans. Godown

5. Subbiah died in a road accident. 

Ans. false

6. Subbiah was buried under the bags and died. 

Ans. True


Chapter # 3 : One Thousand Dollars 

1. Robert lost the money on races. (True/False)

Ans. False

2. To whom did Bobby Gillian give his one thousand dollars?

 i) Butler ii) Miss Hayden iii) lawyers iv) Miss Lotta Lauriere

Ans. Miss Hayden 

3. Robert Gillian offered a diamond pendant to Miss Lotta Lauriere.

4. Robert Gillian received one million dollars froms his uncle’s will. (True/False)

Ans. False

5. The blind man was selling ____ on the walkside.

 i) books ii) pencils iii) pens iv) notebooks

Ans. pencils 

6. Who was Miss Lotta Lauriere? 

Ans. An actress

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