Silent Letter U / List of more than 25 Words
What words have silent letter u? |Words having Silent Letter u/ Spin and Speak Activity
Today, I am going to talk about silent u. Some words in English have silent letter 'u'.
Here is the list :
- antique
- biscuits
- build
- building
- built
- catalogue
- circuit
- colleague
- disguise
- fatigue
- guard
- guess
- guest
- guide
- guilt
- guitar 🎸
- league
- morgue
- mosque
- ought
- prologue
- rogue
- tongue
- vague
- vogue
Note: 1. U is silent when it comes between b,c g or q and a vowel.
2. When u comes between o and gh.
Examples : i) b+ u+ vowel
- build
- building
- built
ii) c+ u+ vowel
- biscuits
- circuit
iii) g+ u+ vowel
- catalogue
- colleague
- disguise
- fatigue
- guard
- guess
- guest
- guide
- guilt
- guitar
- league
- morgue
- prologue
- rogue
- tongue
- vague
- vogue
iv) q+ u+ vowel
- antique
v) o+ u+ gh
- ought
- bought
- brought
- fought
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Spin the wheel and Speak the words loudly for practice.