Proverb # 17 / A prophet is not recognised in his own land

 Proverb # 17 

A prophet is not recognised in his own land 


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Proverb :  A problem shared is a problem halved

A prophet is not recognized in his own land

Meaning :  anyone whose talents and accomplishments are highly regarded by everyone except those at 

ā¨•ੋā¨ˆ ā¨ĩੀ ā¨œਿā¨¸ ā¨Ļੀ ā¨Ē੍ā¨°ā¨¤ਿā¨­ਾ ā¨…ā¨¤ੇ ā¨Ē੍ā¨°ਾā¨Ēā¨¤ੀā¨†ਂ ā¨¨ੂੰ ā¨˜ā¨° ā¨Ļੇ ā¨˛ੋā¨•ਾਂ ā¨¨ੂੰ ā¨›ੱā¨Ą ā¨•ੇ ā¨šā¨° ā¨•ੋā¨ˆ ā¨Ŧā¨šੁā¨¤ ā¨œ਼ਿā¨†ā¨Ļਾ ā¨¸ā¨Žā¨ā¨Ļਾ ā¨šੈ।

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  1. Name is Buneet Kaur
    Class 8th A
    Government girls sen sec school goniana mandi
    District bathindađŸĻ…
    Answer Anyone whose talents and accomplishments are highly regarded by everyone except those at home.


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