Do as Directed, Set 14

 Grammar (Do as Directed)

M.M. 8 Marks              


1. Fill in the blanks with suitable Determiner:

i) Ram opened _____ bag and spread out _____ articles.

2. Fill in the blanks with suitable Prepositions:

i) The Gita gives us a message ______ universal brotherhood.

3. Fill in the blanks with suitable Modal:

i) You ______ be home by 11 o' clock.

(must/ should) ( order)

4. Fill in the blanks with suitable Conjunction:

i) There are certain things______ are beyond my reach now.

5. Fill in the blanks with suitable Non-Finite:

i) You are requested ______ me. (help)

6. Identify the subordinate clause and name it :

 i) I remember the village where I was born.

7. Change the Voice:    

i) Let her sing.

8. Punctuate the following sentence:    

i) the rich and the poor the high and the low the weak and the strong visit this temple


Answer Key

1. Determiner:

i) his, the

2. Preposition:

i) of

3. Modal:

i) must

4. Conjunction:

i) which

5. Non-Finite:

i) to help

6. Clause:

i) Principal Clause :  I remember the village

Sub. Clause : where I was born

Type: Adjective Clause 

Watch this video to understand Adjective Clause 

7. Passive Voice:

i) She may be allowed to sing.

8. Punctuation:

i) The rich and the poor, the high and the low , the weak and the strong visit this temple.

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