Test Your Vocabulary ( Set 30)


      Test Your Vocabulary ( Set 30)

Each question carries one mark.

 ( Maximum Marks = 5)

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🔊🔊🔊 Attempt the following:

a) Fill in the blank with a suitable word:

    I am entitled to the first class  _______ .  

     (fair/ fare)

b) Use the following idiom in a sentence on your own:

       At large 

c) Give one word for the following:

      The peak point of a story or a plot

d) Correct the following sentence:

      Herds of swines lived in the forest.

e) Complete  the following Proverb:

     ..........  as handsome does.



2. The escaped convict is still at large. 
3. climax 
4. Herds of swine lived in the forest.
5. Handsome is as handsome does.

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