Section-C : Grammar / Do as Directed, Part 10

    Section-C : Grammar  

Do as Directed, Part 10

Secure 12 Marks.

(i) Change the following Positive Sentence into Negative Sentence:

  This dress is very costly. 

Ans. This dress is not very costly. 

(ii) Choose the correct option to determine which part of speech does the underlined word belong to. 

  She walked slowly

a) Adjective (b) verb (c) Adverb (d) pronoun 

Ans. Adverb 

(iii) Fill in the blank with a suitable determiner

      _______ pen costs two rupees. 

Ans. That

(iv) Underline the helping verb and encircle the main verb in the following sentence.

       She is practising the piano. 

Ans. Helping Verb : is

        Main Verb: practising 

(v) State whether the verb in the following sentence is Transitive or Intransitive. Also write the verb and the object

     His novel is selling well. 

Ans. Intransitive Verb

     Verb: selling 

     Object: —

(vi)  Fill in the blank with appropriate degree of the adjective given in the bracket. 

   My table is the _______ of all. (big)

Ans. biggest

(vii) Make noun of the given word. 


Ans. failure 

(viii) Fill in the blank with gerund or infinitive form of verb given in the bracket:

      Suresh enjoys  ________ football. (play)

Ans. playing 

(ix) Select the correct verb from the bracket to fill in the blank. 

  Oil and water _______ mix. ( does not/ do not)

Ans. do not

(x) Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb.  (Simple Past, Past Continuous or Past Perfect) 

   Ramesh  _____ home when I phoned him.(return)

Ans. was returning 

(xi) Change the voice. 

      Rama lost his book.

Ans. His book was lost by Rama.

(xii) Change the following adjective to adverb.


Ans. fairly 

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