Vocabulary - Set 4, Class 6
(i) What sound does an owl make?🦉
Ans. hoot
☆ Listen to the sounds @ https://youtu.be/cdvkWRnYYOM
(ii) A group of vultures is called a _________.
Ans. A wake of vultures
(iii) Give the meaning of 'swift' :
Ans. ਤੇਜ਼
(iv) Write the first form of 'looked' : 👁
Ans. look
(v) Choose the correct word:
I have only ________ pen. (won/ one) 🖊
Ans. one
(vi) Write two more words related to 'river': 🏞
Ans. clean, flowing
(vii) Frame a sentence on 'loaf : 🍞
Ans. My father bought us a loaf of bread.
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Manpreet Kaur