C8/ Story Writing

1.  Write about a real incident that happened with you in the form of a story keeping the components of then try to instead in the space given.




I, shop owner


Forgot to take my wallet


Online Payment 


Yesterday I went to a Bookshop to buy some storybooks. When I checked my pocket to pay the bill , I realised that I had forgotten my wallet at home. Feeling embarrassed, I told the shop owner my problem. He asked me if I could pay online. I nodded and happily paid the bill.

2. Write a short story on a Nightmare (Page no  44) 

Suddenly I woke up. It was very dark. I felt there was someone in my room. I looked here and there but could not detect anything. After a while I heard an unusual sound in the cupboard. I thought it must be either a thief or a killer. I was too scared to shout. I lay still and could hardly breathe. Abruptly someone touched my foot. This made me scream  loudly with fear. My parents heard my voice and came in. One of them switched on the light. They could see my plight. Their eyes found the culprit. My father laughed when he saw it. It was nothing but a rat. I felt embarrassed to think that just a small rat made me feel so nervous. An ambiguous smile ran down my face.

2 . Story : Destiny of a Donkey

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