C9 | L- 3: Budugeting Your Time

Budgeting Your Time 

Q.1. Why is the money considered so important? 

Ans. It is required to buy everything. There is  an old saying too : Money makes the mare go.

Q.2. Does time wait for anyone? 

Ans. No, time does not wait for anyone. 

Q.3. What type of precious moment should not be lost? 

Ans. The moment that can make or mar a person's whole future should not be lost. 

Q.4. Which is the most important time for doing something

Ans. Present time is the most important time.So, we must know the value of 'now'.

Q.5. Why must one be punctual? 

Ans. Time once lost cannot be regained. 

Therefore one must be punctual. 


Long Question :

Q. Why is budgeting of time important?

 Ans. Time is fleeting. Every moment is precious. So we should value the time and should not waste it . We must know hiw to manage it.

Budgeting Your Time


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