C9|| In the Flood

 Ch. 3. In the Flood

Q1. Where did the villagers take shelter? Why? 
Ans. The villagers took shelter in the temple. There was a flood in the village and the temple was the highest point so villages took shelter there. 

Q2. Why did Chenna Paraya not want to leave his hut? 
Ans. Chenna had banana tree and haystack in his plot. He had fear of thieves so he didn't want to leave them behind. 

Q3. When did Chenna leave his hut? 
Ans. Chenna fought with the flood for two nights and a day, but the water continued rising. Chenna's pregnant wife and his four kids were also with him. So he left his hut. 

Q4. How did Chenna leave the village? 
Ans. Chenna saw a boat at some distance and he cried for help to the boatmen. Luckily, they heard him and came to his help. Chenna, his wife and kids quickly took the boat and left the village. 

Q5. Who went with Chenna? 
Ans. Chenna's wife, his four kids and the cat went with him. 

Q6. Why did the dog cry continuously? 
Ans. The dog was hungry and alone. He hoped that someone would hear him and rescue him from that place. That's why he kept crying. 

Q7. How long was the dog alone in the hut? 
Ans. He was alone for two days and two nights. 

Q8. Did anyone help the dog? 
Ans. Nobody helped the dog. 

Q9. Why did the two men come to the hut? 
Ans. The two men were thieves. They came to steal hay, coconuts and bananas.

Q10. Why did the thieves hit the dog? 
Ans. The two men were thieves and they wanted to steal the things from the hut. The dog showed his loyalty and bit them. Thus they hit the dog with a pole in its belly. 

Q11. What happened to the dog in the end? 
Ans. A crocodile caught the dog and killed him. When the flood water receded, his dead body was found under a coconut tree. One of its ears was bitten off. The colour of the body had changed. It was all rotten.

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