Comprehension based on Conversation

 Read the conversation carefully and answer the questions.    (5 Marks) 

Radhika: Hello, Kiran. How are you? 

Kiran: Hello, Radhika. I'm good. Where are you going?

Radhika: I am going to the Shopping Mall to buy some grocery items. 

Kiran: How will you go there?

Radhika: On bicycle. 

Kiran: I want to buy some leafy vegetables. Can I accompany you?

Radhika: Of course!

Kiran: I have carried my jute bag, haven't you?

Radhika: I too have it. It's time to go now. Let's go. 

Kiran: OK.

i) Where is Radhika going?

ii) What does Kiran want to buy?

iii) How are they going?

iv) Which bag has been carried by Kiran?

  1. paper bag  b) jute bag

      c) poly bag      d) cloth bag

v) The word ' accompany' means  to go together with somebody.. (True/ False)


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