+2 Solved Board Paper, English 2023-24

 Solved Paper 

1. A. Comprehension Passage 
i) exude
ii) The duffel bag contained a bomb.
iii) Earphone addiction 
iv) the owner of the bag arrived there
v) inseparable 
vi) both sad and amusing 
vii) After the bomb scare, a young man emerged from nowhere who very casually took his bag. He said that he was in the compartment, leaning against the door totally immersed in the music. The passengers were stunned at the carelessness and behaviour of the young boy.
viii)  In the train compartment, there were very few people and a duffel bag was spotted with the owner missing. Nobody came forward to take the bag so they doubted it to be a bomb scare.
ix) The electrician did not carry out the work properly because he did not hear the instructions carefully. He had his earphone on when the instructions were given.
x) The author offers the reasons that people take risks on the road to exude a sense of independence or to tell the world to stop bothering them. They may also want to show that they are very cool.

B. Comprehension Passage
i) must have lacked
ii) described = explained; examined = checked 
iii) red from green
iv) To be examined after this death
v) French, Spanish and Russian 
vi) He had believed that the vitreous humor,   the clear substance in the inner chamber of the eyes must, in case, be tinted blue so that it absorbed red light.

5. A Translation ( Punjabi to English)

1. He is a hard nut to crack. / It is tough to deal with him.

2. Beware of pickpockets. 

3. Has the clock struck ten? / Is it 10 o' clock?

B. Translation ( English to Punjabi)

1. ਉਹ 2011 ਤੱਕ ਇੱਕ ਨਵੀਂ ਕਾਰ ਖਰੀਦ ਚੁੱਕਾ ਸੀ।

2. ਅਫਵਾਹਾਂ ਨਾ ਫੈਲਾਓ।

3. ਬਾਹਰ ਘੁੱਪ ਹਨੇਰਾ ਸੀ।

6.  Grammar - Do as Directed 

A i) You are requested to open the window. 

ii) A new house has been built by me.

iii) The bird was aimed at by the hunter. 


i) The stranger told / informed me that he belonged to Rajasthan. 

ii) The boss ordered his employees to show him the report.


i) The

ii) much

iii) an

D. i) driving 

     ii) work

E. i) He is too weak to walk fast.

     ii) No sooner did the moon rise, the stars             disappeared.


         No sooner had the moon risen than the            stars disappeared.

    iii) Mandeep is not stronger than Sandeep.

7. Objective Type Questions:

1 Dentist

2 False

3 Lateral thinking is a new kind of thinking

4 Teacher of Computer Applications 

5 Tadoma

6 Dr . Harish K Puri

7 false

8 Anton Chekhov

9 four

10 Datta

⏬️⏬️Question Paper ⏬️⏬️



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