C10 Personal Letters


1. You are Rohit Verma, living at 27-Gandhi Nagar, Panipat. Write a letter to your younger brother persuading him to take part in games.

You are Rohit Verma, living at 27-Gandhi Nagar, Panipat. Write a letter to your younger brother persuading him to take part in games.

2. You are Rajiv, living at Queens Hostel, International School, New Delhi. Write a letter to your father asking for permission to join an educational tour.

You are Rajiv, living at Queens Hostel, International School, New Delhi. Write a letter to your father asking for permission to join an educational tour.

 3. Write a letter to your cousin Pulkit, inviting him to spend his winter break with you. You are Rohan and you live at 24 Mall Road Shimla.


Write a letter to your cousin Pulkit, inviting him to spend his winter break with you. You are Rohan and you live at 24 Mall Road Shimla.

4. You are Monu and you live at 51 Central Town Nangal. Write a letter to your father, giving him home news.

 51, Central Town


May 28, 2023

Dear Father

I am fine and hope the same for you. I am writing this letter giving you home news. All are fine at home. Ritu has got good marks in her class. She will take Science subjects. I have also got good marks in my class. Mother is fine. She has started Yoga. Grandmother and grandfather are also fine. Uncle and aunt are also fine. We all miss you.

Please come back soon.



5. Write a letter to your sister, giving details about a free medical camp arranged by grand-mother. You are Anoushka and live at 1441-Nai Abadi Khanna.

1441-Nai Abadi


 May 29, 2023

Dear Sister

I am fine and hope the same for you. I am writing this letter giving the details of a free medical camp that our grandmother arranged recently. Our grandmother arranged a free medical camp last week. It was for everybody. Health check-up was free. Medicines were free. Many people came to the camp. It was a very good camp.

 See you soon.



6. You are Tanbir, living at G-312 Adarsh colony, Moga. Write a letter of condolence to a friend on the death of his mother.

G-312, Adarsh Colony


May 30, 2023

Dea Friend 

I got the news of the death of your mother. I met her last week. She was fine then. It is very sad to know about her death. She was just 50 years old. She was a very good lady. She was a very good teacher.

She was a very good human. She treated me as her own son. We can never forget her. We must follow God's will. Please take care of your family and yourself. May God bless her soul!

Take care.



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