Story with Comprehension along with the Answer Key

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☆●☆ Story with Comprehension along with the Answer Key ( 22 stories)


  1. Bake a Cake 
  2. Dry and Wet 
  3. Mango Tree 
  4. Hide and Seek 
  5. The Swing 
  6. Seerat's Bicycle 
  7. I Wish 
  8. Traffic Signals 
  9. Sunday - A Special Day 
  10. Our Garden 
  11. Helpful Mini
  12. Sunshine Workers 
  13. Rahul and Pahul
  14. Two Little Painters 
  15. Seasons 
  16. Neetu, the Nurse 
  17. Cricket
  18. Moon
  19. Holiday 
  20. Atlas, a Bunny
  21. Raman's Family 
  22. Water Pollution 

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Story # 1: Bake a Cake 

Answer Key:

1. holiday

2. on the table

3. hands

4. False 

5. Mouse

Story # 2 : Dry and Wet 

Answer Key:

1. morning 

2. Pooja's brother 

3. Arjun

4. inside 

5. True

Story # 3: Mango Tree 

Answer Key:

1. hot 

2. True 

3. Aman

4. mangoes 

5. a) full = empty

    b) hot = cold

   c) up = down

Story # 4:  Hide and Seek 

Answer Key:
1. Hide and Seek
2. True
3. Aman and Preet
4. Jeet
5. False

Story # 5:  The Swing 

Answer Key:

1. Sonu 

2.  False 

3. Tyre 

4. False 

5. Swinging

Story # 6: Seerat's Bicycle 

🗝🗝 Answer Key:
1. gifted, hid, saw, showed , jumped
2.  A new bicycle
3. True
4. Seerat
5. Seerat showed her gift to all her friends. 

Story # 7: I Wish 

🗝🗝 Answer Key:
1. I Wish
2.  All of the above
3. Exclamatory Sentence
4. True
5. Oh! ( Interjection)

Story # 8: Traffic Signals

🗝🗝 Answer Key:
1. a) The red light says, "Stop."
     b) The yellow light says, "Be ready."
     c) The green light says, "Go."
2.  i) dance
     ii) pen
     iii) car
     iv) playground
3. a) brothers
    b) younger
    c) road
    d) Mohit
4. i) False
    ii) False
    iii) True
    iv) False
    v) False
5. a) o, e
    b) e, i
    c) e, a
    d) i, a
    e) a
   f) o, u, e
   g) e, i , a

Story # 9 : Sunday - A Special Day

🗝🗝 Answer Key:
1.  i) ਸਵੇਰ
     ii) ਸ਼ਾਮ
     iii) ਖੇਡ
    iv) ਪਰਿਵਾਰ
    v) ਦੇਖੋ
    vi) ਪੂਰਾ ਕਰੋ
    vii) ਮਾਤਾ ਜੀ
   viii) ਪਸੰਦੀਦਾ

2.  i) She
     ii) They
    iii) He
    iv) She

3.  ii) joyous
     iii) tasty
     iv) funny

4. cooks ( It is a verb; rest are adverbs.)

Story # 10 : Our Garden 

🗝🗝 Answer Key:

1. Our Garden

2. Both bees and butterflies 

3. Declarative Sentence 

4. True

5. and [ 'And' is a conjunction: others are nouns]

Story # 11  : Helpful Mini

🗝🗝 Answer Key:
1.  False
2.  evening
3.  Declarative Sentence
4. animals
5. is [ 'is' is a helping verb; others are main verbs]

Story # 12  : Sunshine Workers

🗝🗝 Answer Key:
1.  postman, cobbler, nurse
2.  i) Labour Day
     ii) helpers
    iii) services
    iv) hard
    v) respect, salute
3.  carpenter , cobbler, electrician, gardener, nurse, postman, policeman, sweeper
4.  True
5. are [ 'are' is a helping verb; others are main verbs]

Story # 13 : Rahul and Pahul 

🗝🗝 Answer Key:
1.  False
2.  Pahul's
3.  popular
4.  Hello! [ 'Hello'' is an Interjection; others are conjunctions]
5. i) neighbourhood
     ii) friendly
    iii) truthful
    iv) teacher

Story # 14 : Two Little Painters 

🗝🗝 Answer Key:

1. at home

2. False

3. brushes

4. Interrogative Sentence 

5. it [ 'It' is a pronoun while others ( and ,so, but) are conjunctions. 

Story # 15 : Seasons 

🗝🗝 Answer Key:

1. i) seasons

    ii) people

    iii) bonfire 

    iv) leaves

2.  summer, winter, spring, autumn , monsoon 

3. i) ice-cream 

   ii) bonfire 

  iii leafless trees 

   iv) greenery 

   v) rain

4. False

5. it [ 'It' is a pronoun while others (seasons, India, people) are nouns. 

Story # 16 : Neetu, the Nurse 

🗝🗝 Answer Key:

1. True

2.  because of high fever

3. his aunt

4. i) crutches
    ii) blind

5. fever [ 'fever is a noun while others (high, big, sick) are Adjectives. . 

Story # 17 : Cricket 🏏 

🗝🗝 Answer Key:

1. i) elbows
    ii) head
    iii) knees
    iv) hands

2.  i) badminton
     ii) outdoor
    iii) with friends

3. True

4. wickets

5. hard [ 'hard' is an Adjective while others (wear, play, need ) are Verbs.


Story # 18 : Moon


Story : MOON🌓🌔🌖

🗝🗝 Answer Key:

1. i) going
    ii) coming
    iii) thinking
    iv) feeling
   v) thinking
   vi) eating

2.  i) big
     ii) far
     iii) natural
     iv) always
     v) start
     vi) last

3. i)  Last evening, my mother came into my room to see me.
ii) I was looking at the moon.
iii) The moon revolves around the earth.

4. i) d
    ii) a
    iii) a

5. i) True
    ii) True
    iii) False

6. i) come = came
   ii) revolve = revolves
   iii) phase = phases
   iv) didn't = doesn't


Story #19 : Holiday 

🗝🗝 Answer Key:

1. Interrogative Sentence 

2.  i) study

     ii) market

     iii) play

     iv) read

3. draw

4. market

5. That's what I will do today.

Story # 20: Atlas, a Bunny 

🗝🗝 Answer Key:

1. i) found
     ii) took
     iii) asked
     iv) made
     v) shared

2. i) Be kind.
    ii) Share joyfully.
3. A magic book

4. i) Work together
    ii) Be Kind.
    iii) Share joyfully.

5. shared, found, taught


Story # 21 : Raman's Family 

🗝🗝 Answer Key:

1. i) soft

     ii) hate

     iii) younger 

     iv) old


2. nuclear family 


3. False

4. i) she, her , it, their, they = Pronouns 

    ii) family = Noun

Story # 22 : Water Pollution 

🗝🗝 Answer Key:

1.  i) dirty
     ii) waste
     iii) unhappy
     iv) converted
     v)  conversation

2. i) No water, no life.
    ii) Save water, it will save you later.
    iii) A drop saved is a drop conserved.
3 .i)  2
     ii) 4
     iii) 5
     iv) 3
     v) 1

4. i) drink
     ii) wash
     iii) swim
     iv) cook
     v) bath

5. i) False
     ii) False
     iii) True
     iv) False
     v) False


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Story # 1: Bake a Cake 

🗝🗝 Answer Key:
1. holiday
2. on the table
3. hands
4. False 
5. Mouse


Story # 

Story # 2 : Dry and Wet 

🗝🗝 Answer Key:
1. morning 
2. Pooja's brother 
3. Arjun
4. inside 
5. True


Story # 3: Mango Tree 

🗝🗝 Answer Key:
1. hot
2. True
3. Aman
4. mangoes
5. a) full = empty
    b) hot = cold
    c) up = down


Story # 4: Hide and Seek 

Answer Key:
1. Hide and Seek
2. True
3. Aman and Preet
4. Jeet
5. False


Story # 5: The Swing 

Answer Key:
1. Sonu
2.  False
3. Tyre
4. False
5. Swinging


Story # 6: Seerat's Bicycle 

🗝🗝 Answer Key:
1. gifted, hid, saw, showed , jumped
2.  A new bicycle
3. True
4. Seerat
5. Seerat showed her gift to all her friends. 


Story # 7: I Wish 

🗝🗝 Answer Key:
1. I Wish
2.  All of the above
3. Exclamatory Sentence
4. True
5. Oh! ( Interjection)


Story # 8: Traffic Signals 

🗝🗝 Answer Key:
1. a) The red light says, "Stop."
     b) The yellow light says, "Be ready."
     c) The green light says, "Go."
2.  i) dance
     ii) pen
     iii) car
     iv) playground
3. a) brothers
    b) younger
    c) road
    d) Mohit
4. i) False
    ii) False
    iii) True
    iv) False
    v) False
5. a) o, e
    b) e, i
    c) e, a
    d) i, a
    e) a
   f) o, u, e
   g) e, i , a


Story # 9 : Sunday - A Special Day

🗝🗝 Answer Key:
1.  i) ਸਵੇਰ
     ii) ਸ਼ਾਮ
     iii) ਖੇਡ
    iv) ਪਰਿਵਾਰ
    v) ਦੇਖੋ
    vi) ਪੂਰਾ ਕਰੋ
    vii) ਮਾਤਾ ਜੀ
   viii) ਪਸੰਦੀਦਾ

2.  i) She
     ii) They
    iii) He
    iv) She

3.  ii) joyous
     iii) tasty
     iv) funny

4. cooks ( It is a verb; rest are adverbs.)


Story : Our Garden 

🗝🗝 Answer Key:

1. Our Garden

2. Both bees and butterflies 

3. Declarative Sentence 

4. True

5. and [ 'And' is a conjunction: others are nouns]


Story : Helpful Mini

🗝🗝 Answer Key:
1.  False
2.  evening
3.  Declarative Sentence
4. animals
5. is [ 'is' is a helping verb; others are main verbs]


Story : Sunshine Workers

🗝🗝 Answer Key:
1.  postman, cobbler, nurse
2.  i) Labour Day
     ii) helpers
    iii) services
    iv) hard
    v) respect, salute
3.  carpenter , cobbler, electrician, gardener, nurse, postman, policeman, sweeper
4.  True
5. are [ 'are' is a helping verb; others are main verbs]


Story : Rahul and Pahul 

🗝🗝 Answer Key:
1.  False
2.  Pahul's
3.  popular
4.  Hello! [ 'Hello'' is an Interjection; others are conjunctions]
5. i) neighbourhood
     ii) friendly
    iii) truthful
    iv) teacher



Story : Two Little Painters 

🗝🗝 Answer Key:
1. at home
2. False
3. brushes
4. Interrogative Sentence
5. it [ 'It'  is a pronoun while others ( and ,so, but) are conjunctions. 

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Story : Seasons 

🗝🗝 Answer Key:

1. i) seasons

    ii) people

    iii) bonfire 

    iv) leaves

2.  summer, winter, spring, autumn , monsoon 

3. i) ice-cream 

   ii) bonfire 

  iii leafless trees 

   iv) greenery 

   v) rain

4. False

5. it [ 'It' is a pronoun while others (seasons, India, people) are nouns. 


Story: Neetu, the Nurse 

🗝🗝 Answer Key:

1. True

2.  because of high fever

3. his aunt

4. i) crutches
    ii) blind

5. fever [ 'fever is a noun while others (high, big, sick) are Adjectives. 


Story:  Cricket 

🗝🗝 Answer Key:

1. i) elbows
    ii) head
    iii) knees
    iv) hands

2.  i) badminton
     ii) outdoor
    iii) with friends

3. True

4. wickets

5. hard [ 'hard' is an Adjective while others (wear, play, need ) are Verbs.


Story : MOON🌓🌔🌖

🗝🗝 Answer Key:

1. i) going
    ii) coming
    iii) thinking
    iv) feeling
   v) thinking
   vi) eating

2.  i) big
     ii) far
     iii) natural
     iv) always
     v) start
     vi) last

3. i)  Last evening, my mother came into my room to see me.
ii) I was looking at the moon.
iii) The moon revolves around the earth.

4. i) d
    ii) a
    iii) a

5. i) True
    ii) True
    iii) False

6. i) come = came
   ii) revolve = revolves
   iii) phase = phases
   iv) didn't = doesn't



Story : Holiday 

🗝🗝 Answer Key:

1. Interrogative Sentence 

2.  i) study

     ii) market

     iii) play

     iv) read

3. draw

4. market

5. That's what I will do today.


Story : Atlas, a Bunny 

🗝🗝 Answer Key:

1. i) found

     ii) took

     iii) asked

     iv) made

     v) shared

2. i) Be Kind. 

    ii) Share joyfully. 


3. A magic book

4. i) Work together 

    ii) Be Kind.

    iii) Share joyfully. 

5. shared, found, taught


Story : Raman's Family 

🗝🗝 Answer Key:

1. i) soft

     ii) hate

     iii) younger 

     iv) old

2. nuclear family  

3. False

4. i) she, her , it, their, they = Pronouns 

    ii) family = Noun

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Story  : Water Pollution 

🗝🗝 Answer Key:

1.  i) dirty
     ii) waste
     iii) unhappy
     iv) converted
     v)  conversation

2. i) No water, no life.
    ii) Save water, it will save you later.
    iii) A drop saved is a drop conserved.
3 .i)  2
     ii) 4
     iii) 5
     iv) 3
     v) 1

4. i) drink
     ii) wash
     iii) swim
     iv) cook
     v) bath

5. i) False
     ii) False
     iii) True
     iv) False
     v) False



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