
Showing posts with the label 8th

Paragraph Writing , Class 8

  Writing Part, Class 8 Paragraph Writing  1. A School Picnic , Page # 84  Picnic is one thing that we always look forward to . This time, it was announced that we would go on a school picnic to the local city garden. We were all very excited.   On the day of the picnic I woke up early. My mother packed a lot of food items for me and my friends. We reached school in time to board the bus. Our English  teacher and sports teacher were accompanying us. The bus started at 8 a.m.  We enjoyed the journey and had great fun singing songs.  Finally, we reached the garden. It was very peaceful there. The weather was also very pleasant. We got busy on swings and started running and playing. We were all in high spirits. In the afternoon, we had lunch. We shared our food with each other. After lunch, our teachers  made us play many games. It was fun .We laughed and enjoyed ourselves. Soon it was evening and time to go back. We boarded the bus again and reached home by 7.  It was a memorable trip an

C8|| Prepositions & Letter Writing/ L13

Click here to get Writing Part Prepositions, Page no. 172 1. The dog jumped over the fence. (place) 2. Meena was seen playing in the street. (place) 3. The aiplane flew over   the mountains. (place) 4. The earth revolves around the sun. (direction) 5. She went to the classroom when I saw her. (direction) 6.  I will meet her at 9 o'clock.  (time) 7. The function was held __  last Monday. (no preposition) 8. She was sitting between her father and mother.  (direction) 9. It is extremely hot in the month of June. (time) 10. It is usually very cold at night in the deserts.  (time, place) ⏬️ Test Yourself ⏬️ 🙏🙏 Join us to stay updated  WhatsApp Channel:  CLICK HERE Telegram:  CLICK HERE Facebook  :  CLICK HERE Subscribe our Youtube Channel : WhatsApp :   Click here 🎯🎯   Vocabulary and Grammar  ♦️1♦️  Topic :  *Sentences* ♦️2♦️  Topic :  *One Word Substitution* https://rejuven

C8 | Idioms & Proverbs

  Idioms & Proverbs Meanings of these expressions:   1. beat about the bush Ans. avoiding the main topic 2. Every cloud has a silver lining. Ans. Be positive, even difficult times will lead to better days 3. Actions speak louder than words. Ans. People's intentions can be judged better by what they do than what they say. 4. add insult to injury Ans. To further add to a loss with mockery  5. The ball is in your court  Ans. It is up to you to take the next decision. 6. blessing in disguise Ans. Something good that isn't recognized at first 7. cry over spilt milk Ans. to complain about a loss from the past 8. kill two birds with one stone Ans. To achieve two things with one action 9. once in a blue moon Ans. Happens very rare 10. Turn over a new leaf Ans. To change one's behavior usually in a positive way  ✍ Let's Play (Find the Match) :             🍂♦️🍂♦️🍂Test Yourself ⏬️     Happy Learning! Join us to get more material :   Click here 🎯🎯   Vocabulary and Grammar

C8| Make Nouns | Vocabulary

 Make  noun  of the given words.  try=  trial distract=  distraction move=  movement  educate =  education  inform=  information  agree=  agreement  pay=  payment  argue =  argument  pass=  passage  bag=  baggage  marry=  marriage  refuse=  refusal propose =  proposal  arrive=  arrival fail=  failure press=   pressure confuse =   confusion  decide=  decision  revise= revision  teach= teacher ⏬️Test Yourself ⏬️ Join us to get more material :   Click here 🎯🎯   Vocabulary and Grammar  ♦️1♦️  Topic :  *Sentences* ♦️2♦️  Topic :  *One Word Substitution* ♦️3♦️  Topic :  *Part of Speech* Part 1: Part 2: Part 3 : ♦️4♦️  Topic :  *Det

C8| Past & Future Tenses

ACTIVITY-7: Fill in the blanks with the Simple Past Tense forms of the words given in the brackets: Bahadur Singh smiled. He tossed his revolver in the air and caught it by the handle. He took a careful aim at an empty sardine can and fired another six shots .The bullets went through into the earth kicking up whiffs of dust. His Alsatian dog began to bark with excitement . He leapt up with a growl and ran down the canal embankment. He sniffed at the tin and took it up in his mouth and ran back with it and laid it at his master’s feet. ACTIVITY-8: Fill in the blanks with the Simple Past,Past Continuous,Past Perfect forms of the verbs given in the brackets. 1. I saw an elephant on the way back home. (see) 2. Did he write a letter to his father? (write) 3. He had learnt to read when he was three. (learn) 4. When I saw him, he was wearing a blue shirt. (wear) 5. Did they go out yesterday? (go) 6. The scooter cost a lot of money. (cost) 7. The First World War ended in1919.

C8/ Present Tense

ACTIVITY-6: Underline the correct form of the verb to complete the sentences.  1. Priya loves her work. 2. He studies agriculture. 3. A salesperson sells products for a company. 4. Sunita works in a bank. 5. Nurses help people. 6. We write English books. 7. Your office closes at 5: 00 p.m. 8. She teaches in a school. 9. I walk to work everyday. 10. I start work at 8:00 a.m. every morning. ACTIVITY-7: Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb. Present Continuous or  Present Simple  1. I do not belong to Delhi. 2. Hurry! The bus is coming . 3. Seema is vegetarian. She does not eat meat. 4. I am looking for a maid. 5. Jayati is eating oranges. 6. At the moment, we are making a video of the party. 7. I know what Mr. Sharma wants to buy. 8. I am applying for a job in a school but I don't know if I will be successful. 9. Vanita is doing some research in the library. 10. She always remembers my birthday. 11. Mr. Brown works in a supermarket. 12. Look! It is

C8 | Match the Nouns & Formation of Adverb

  Nouns & Adverbs  I. Read the adjectives and write their nouns in the given space: Strong wind Active members Rich people Wise men Loyal soldiers Careful student Kind person Happy lad Good friend Faithful dog 1I. Form Adverbs  from Adjectives : III. Change the following adjectives to adverbs: bad = badly angry= angrily  fast= fast bold=boldly brisk=briskly meek=meekly  nice = nicely  soft=softly  fair=fairly  clean= cleanly ⏬️ Test Yourself ⏬️ Join us to get more material :   Click here 🎯🎯   Vocabulary and Grammar  ♦️1♦️  Topic :  *Sentences* ♦️2♦️  Topic :  *One Word Substitution* ♦️3♦️  Topic :  *Part of Speech* Part 1: Part 2: Part 3 :

C8 | Non-Finite

  Activity # 6, Page # 76 1. Pick out infinities in the following sentences and underline them.  I saw him go . He promised to come . To forgive is difficult. I watched her dance . It is bad to cheat your family. Activity # 7, Page # 76, 77 2. Fill in the blanks with appropriate Non-Finite forms: You ought to get up earlier. (get) It is easy to make mistakes. (make) He made me repeat the lessons. (repeat) You needn't say anything. (say) Wouldn't you like to come in my car? (come) He will be able to swim very soon. (swim) Activity # 8, Page # 77 3.  Combine the following pair of sentences into ons sentence using too/ enough + Infinitive : You are very young. You can't have a gun.    Ans. You are too young to have a gun. He is very ill. He can't eat anything.                    Ans. He is too ill to eat anything.  Mickey was very foolish. He told lies to the police.                                                                    Ans. Mickey was foolish enough

Verbs | Transitive or Intransitive

What are transitive and intransitive verbs with examples? State whether the verbs in the following sentences are transitive or intransitive.  Also write the verb and the object in the space given. ( Page no. 52) He has lost his bag.                            Transitive,                                   Verb: lost ,                                   Object :  hisbag The wind is blowing strongly.          Intransitive,                             Verb: blowing ,                         Object :   ❌️ Babli closed the window.               Transitive,                                 Verb: closed,                             Object :  the window  Soon the door opened.                 Intransitive,                                Verb: opened,                            Object :  ❌️ He pulled open the door.                 Transitive,                                   Verb: pulled open ,                  Object :  the door  His novel is selling well.               Intransitive,         

C8 | Helping Verb & Main Verb

 C8 | Helping Verb & Main Verb Test Yourself: Worksheet: 🎯🎯   Vocabulary and Grammar  ♦️1♦️  Topic :  *Sentences* ♦️2♦️  Topic :  *One Word Substitution * ♦️3♦️  Topic :  *Part of Speech* Part 1: Part 2: Part 3 : ♦️4♦️  Topic :  *Determiners* ♦️5♦️  Topic :  *Synonyms* ♦️6♦️  Topic :  *Antonyms* ♦️7♦️  Topic :  *Helping & Main Verb*