
Showing posts with the label Question Bank

Paragraph Writing , Class 8

  Writing Part, Class 8 Paragraph Writing  1. A School Picnic , Page # 84  Picnic is one thing that we always look forward to . This time, it was announced that we would go on a school picnic to the local city garden. We were all very excited.   On the day of the picnic I woke up early. My mother packed a lot of food items for me and my friends. We reached school in time to board the bus. Our English  teacher and sports teacher were accompanying us. The bus started at 8 a.m.  We enjoyed the journey and had great fun singing songs.  Finally, we reached the garden. It was very peaceful there. The weather was also very pleasant. We got busy on swings and started running and playing. We were all in high spirits. In the afternoon, we had lunch. We shared our food with each other. After lunch, our teachers  made us play many games. It was fun .We laughed and enjoyed ourselves. Soon it was evening and time to go back. We boarded the bus again and reached home by 7.  It was a memorable trip an

Important Questions from Main Course Book, Class 10

Short Answer type Questions  Attempt any 3 out of 5. M.M. 3x2 = 6 marks Chapter # 1 : The Happy Prince   1. Where did the statue of the Happy Prince stand? Ans. It stood on a tall column.  2. How was the statue decorated ? Ans. It was decorated with the gold, two sapphires and a ruby. 3. Where was the Swallow going? Ans. The swallow was going to Egypt.  4. Where were the drops coming from? Ans. The drops were coming from the eyes of the Happy Prince.  5. Why was the Happy Prince crying? Ans. He was crying because he could see the miseries of the people.  6. Why did the Swallow feel warm? Ans. The Swallow felt warm because he had done a good deed. 7. Why was the match girl crying? Ans. The match girl was crying because her matches had fallen into the gutter. Now they were spoiled.  8. Why was the statue of the Happy Prince pulled down? Ans. The statue was pulled d own because it was not looking beautiful now. 9. What were the two most precious things in the city? Ans. The lead heart and

Important Questions from Supplementary Reader , Class 10

Important Questions from Supplementary Reader, Class 10  Chapter # 1 : Bed No. 29 1. How did the author lose his eyesight? Ans. The author  lost his eyesight in an accident.  2. When did the author regain his confidence and how? Ans. The author regained his confidence when Naeem praised his paintings. 3. Where was Naeem when the author regained his eyesight? Ans. Naeem had left the hospital when the author regained his eyesight. 4. Why could Naeem not get his treatment done? Ans. Naeem could not get his treatment done because he had spent all his money in buying the paintings of the author. 5. How could Naeem describe different seasons in detail? Ans. Naeem was a painter and he had painted four seasons before he lost his eyesight. 6. What does the message, The goddess of hope smiled on me- and then it vanished ' mean? Ans. Naeem was blind like the author but he had spent his money in buying for the author's paintings. He was left with no money for his own treatment. He had to l

Objective Type Questions ( Part 2 ), Class 10

48 Objective Type Questions {3  Chapters of Supplementary Reader} Chapter # 4 : The Dying Detective (6) Chapter # 5 : How Much Land Does a Man Need? (6) Chapter # 6: Return to Air (6) 🎯⁉️🎯 Understand these 18 Questions of Supplmentary Reader   @ & ( 4 Chapters & 2 Poems of M.C.B.)  Chapter # 5 : Some Glimpses of Ancient Indian Thoughts and Practices (6) Chapter # 6 : The Home- coming (6) Chapter # 7 : The Making of the Earth (6) Chapter # 8 : The Rule of the Road (6) ♦️🛑♦️ Understand these 24 Questions of M.C.B.  @ Poems - Razia, the Tigress (3) Where the Mind Is without Fear (3) ⛳️🍂⛳️ Understand these 6 Questions of M.C.B.  (Poetry) @ Supplementary Reader  Chapter # 4 : The Dying Detective  ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ Chapter # 5 : How Much Land Does a Man Need? ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ Chapter # 6: Return to Air  ◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇ M.C.B. ⬇️ ◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇ Chapter # 5 : Some Glimpses of Ancient Indian Thoughts and Practices    ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●

8 Important Long Questions: 50 Words Each

8 Important Long Questions: 50 Words Each  Understand all the Questions @ Note:  ●● There will be an internal choice in the paper. ●● M.M. = 3 marks 1. Why was the Happy Prince called the Happy Prince? Ans.  The Happy Prince lived in a palace . No sorrow was allowed to enter there. His life was a bed of roses . He did not know what tears and miseries were.  He always remained happy. Thus he lived, and thus he died. So his courtiers called him the Happy Prince.  2. What should be the ultimate aim of science? Ans.  The ultimate aim of science should be to make life worth living on the earth.  No doubt, science has given men the comfort of all material things. But the qualities of charity, mercy , tolerance and justice are more important than material things. These non-material things can make the world a better place to live.  3. Write  a small paragraph on 'The Proper Use of Human Energy'. Ans.  Every human being has an immense source of Energy.  Sadly, an average man uses only

Chapter 13/ Smashing the Glass Ceiling | Q/A , Prepositions & Letter Writing

  Click here to get Writing Part Answer the following questions. Q.1. How many years had passed before Geet could meet Paramjeet in India? Ans. Twenty-five years had passed before Geet could meet Paramjeet in India. Q.2. What was different about Paramjeet that Geet noticed this time? Ans. She noticed her good clothes, mobile phone and good way of talking. Q.3. Which new skills did Paramjeet learn at the charitable agency? Ans. Paramjeet learnt computer, internet and Desktop Publishing at the charitable agency. Q.4. What help did Paramjeet seek from Geet at the end of the story? Ans. Paramjeet wanted to promote her business abroad. Q.5. Who was able to smash the glass ceiling in the story? How? Ans. Geet was able to smash the glass ceiling in the story . She got new hope, energy and idea from Paramjeet. ⛳️⛳️⛳️⛳️⛳️⛳️⛳️⛳️⛳️⛳️⛳️⛳️⛳️⛳️⛳️⛳️⛳️⛳️⛳️ 🙏🙏 Join us to stay updated  WhatsApp Channel:  CLICK HERE Telegram:  CLICK HERE Facebook  :  CLICK HERE Subscribe our Youtube Channel :  https://

Return to Air

Que-Ans  1.Why was the boy called 'Sausage' ? Ans.  He was called ‘sausage’ because he was very fat. 2. Why did Sausage not like diving? Ans . Because he had to take off his glasses before diving. 3. They all wanted take me to learn duck- diving. Who are they? Ans. His friends and the instructor. 4. What is duck-diving?  How is it taught? Ans. Duck diving is diving like a duck into the water. The diver has to bring back the brick thrown into the water. 5. What happened to Sausage when he tried duck-diving the first time? Ans. He was very afraid when he tried duck diving the first time. 6. Why couldn't Sausage see inside the water? Ans. Because he was without glasses. 7.  Why dis the water change colors?  How did it change colours? Ans. The water changed colour as he went deeper. It changed from brown to blackish brown. 8. Was Sausage sure that he would not come out alive? Give examples to support your answer. Ans.  Yes, he was sure he would not come out alive. 9. What did

How Much Land Does a Man Need?

Let's Meet all the Characters  Que - Ans  1. What did the two women discuss? were they related to each other? Ans. The two women discussed about the town life and village life. They were sisters. 2. What did one woman say in defense of rural life? What was the counter argument? Ans. She said rural life is free from anxiety and worries. 3.  Pakhom listened to the women's chatter. He started brooding and reached a conclusion. What was the conclusion? Ans. He thought if he has enough land, he would not fear the devil also. 4. When the Devil heard pakhom's musings,   what did he decide? Ans. The Devil decided to give Pakhom enough land and have him in his power. 5. The estate- owner on whose land Pakhom was tenant sold her land. Who bought her land? Ans. His neighbour bought fifty acres. Pakhom bought forty acres. 6. How Did Pakhom manage to put together the money for buying the land? Ans. He sold his colt and some bees. He borrowed some money from his brother-in-law. 7. Pakhom

C10/ The Rule of the Road

  The Rule of the Road 1. Why was the stout lady walking down the middle of a road? Ans. Because she thought she had liberty to walk anywhere. 2. How was the stout lady mistaken about liberty? Ans. She failed to understand that there will be chaos if every man were free to do what he liked. 3. What does the policeman at Piccadilly Circus symbolize? Ans. He ssymbolizes the true meaning of liberty.  4. Can we do whatever we feel like doing? Ans. No, we cannot do whatever we feel like doing. 5. What was the writer reading during the journey? Ans. He was reading a ‘Blue-book’ during the journey. 6. Why did the writer need a reasonable silence in the compartment? Ans. Because he was reading a ‘Blue Book’. 7. Who disturbed the author on the train? Ans. The person who talked much disturbed the writer. 8. What was the intruding passenger talking of? Ans. He was talking randomly on many subjects. 9. What is the basis of social contract? Ans. Thinking about the rights of others is the basis of s