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Daily Quiz # 297 | SV Agreement

  Daily Quiz # 297  🔊 Note : Reply the answer correctly in the comment box.  Daily Quiz  Link Answer   # 296 CLICK HERE  Raise your hands. # 294 CLICK HERE Don't litter. # 295 CLICK HERE Improve your mistakes.  based on Voice 🪻💬🪻 Click on the following link to participate in more Quizzes. 🙏🙏  Join us to stay updated- WhatsApp  :   Click here Telegram :  CLICK HERE Facebook  :  CLICK HERE Subscribe our Youtube Channel : Instagram:  CLICK HERE

Section-C : Grammar / Do as Directed, Part 12

    Section-C : Grammar   Do as Directed, Part 12 Secure 12 Marks. (i) Change the following  Affirmative   Sentence into Interrogative Sentence:   He is clever.  Ans. Is he clever? (ii) Choose the correct option to determine which  part of speech   does the underlined word belong to.        I saw an excellent film. a) Preposition (b) verb (c) noun (d) pronoun  Ans. Pronoun  (iii) Fill in the blank with a suitable  determiner .      A little knowledge is ___ dangerous thing. . Ans. a  (iv) Underline the  helping verb   and encircle   the  main verb   in the following sentence.         Navika is reading the newspaper.  Ans. Helping Verb : is          Main Verb: reading  (v) State whether the verb in the following sentence is  Transitive or Intransitive. Also write the verb and the object      Their team won the match.  Ans. Transitive Verb           Verb : won           Object: the match  (vi) Fill in the blank with the appropriate  degree  of the adjective  given in the bracket.     Go

Section-C : Grammar / Do as Directed, Part 11

  Section-C : Grammar   Do as Directed, Part 11 Secure 12 Marks. (i) Change the following Interrogative   Sentence into Assertive Sentence:   Are you on leave today?  Ans. You are on leave today.  (ii) Choose the correct option to determine which  part of speech   does the underlined word belong to.     This book is on the table.  a) Preposition (b) verb (c) noun (d) pronoun  Ans. Preposition  (iii) Fill in the blank with a suitable  determiner .        It was ........ daring idea. Ans. a  (iv) Underline the  helping verb   and encircle   the  main verb   in the following sentence.         Navika is reading the newspaper.  Ans. Helping Verb : is          Main Verb: reading  (v) State whether the verb in the following sentence is  Transitive or Intransitive. Also write the verb and the object      It is snowing.  Ans. Intransitive Verb      Verb : snowing       Object: — (vi)  Write the  comparative  and superlative degree  of the adjective  given in the bracket.     holy Ans. holier,

Section-C : Grammar / Do as Directed, Part 10

      Section-C : Grammar   Do as Directed, Part 10 Secure 12 Marks. (i) Change the following Positive   Sentence into Negative Sentence:   This dress is very costly.  Ans. This dress is not very costly.  (ii) Choose the correct option to determine which  part of speech   does the underlined word belong to.     She walked slowly .  a) Adjective (b) verb (c) Adverb (d) pronoun  Ans. Adverb  (iii) Fill in the blank with a suitable  determiner .        _______ pen costs two rupees.  Ans. That (iv) Underline the  helping verb   and encircle   the  main verb   in the following sentence.         She is practising the piano.  Ans. Helping Verb : is         Main Verb: practising  (v) State whether the verb in the following sentence is  Transitive or Intransitive. Also write the verb and the object      His novel is selling well.  Ans. Intransitive Verb      Verb: selling       Object: — (vi)  Fill in the blank with appropriate degree  of the adjective  given in the bracket.     My table is the

Section-C : Grammar / Do as Directed, Part 9

  Section-C : Grammar   Do as Directed, Part 9 Secure 12 Marks. (i) Change the following Negative   Sentence into Assertive Sentence:   Sohan is not an idle boy. Ans. Sohan is an idle boy.  (ii) Choose the correct option to determine which  part of speech   does the underlined word belong to.     Get me a glass of water.  a) Adjective (b) verb (c) noun (d) pronoun  Ans. Pronoun  { ☆●☆  Parts of Speech  ➡️  CLICK HERE FOR MORE PRACTICE  } (iii) Fill in the blank with a suitable  determiner .        _______ books she had were all lost. Ans. The few (iv) Underline the  helping verb   and encircle   the  main verb   in the following sentence.         Radhika has been playing basketball for several years.  Ans. Helping Verb : has been         Main Verb: playing  (v) State whether the verb in the following sentence is  Transitive or Intransitive. Also write the verb and the object      Babli closed the window.  Ans. Transitive Verb      Verb: closed       Object: the window  (vi) Write the 

Section-C : Grammar / Do as Directed, Part 8

  Section-C : Grammar   Do as Directed, Part 8 Secure 12 Marks. (i) Change the following  Exclamatory   Sentence into Assertive Sentence:   How beautiful the scenery is! Ans. The scenery is very beautiful.  { ☆●☆  Sentences  ➡️  CLICK HERE FOR MORE PRACTICE  } (ii) Choose the correct option to determine which  part of speech   does the underlined word belong to.     Meena loves flowers . a) Adjective (b) verb (c) noun (d) pronoun  Ans. Noun  { ☆●☆  Parts of Speech  ➡️  CLICK HERE FOR MORE PRACTICE  } (iii) Fill in the blank with a suitable  determiner .        This is ____ good home for him. Ans. a { ☆●☆  Determiners  ➡️  CLICK HERE FOR MORE PRACTICE  } (iv) Underline the  helping verb   and encircle   the  main verb   in the following sentence.         The guests were sleeping in the bedroom.  Ans. Helping Verb : were         Main Verb: sleeping  { ☆●☆  Helping Verb  ➡️  CLICK HERE FOR MORE PRACTICE  } { ☆●☆  Verbs   ➡️  CLICK HERE FOR MORE PRACTICE  } (v) State whether the verb in th

Section-C : Grammar - Do as Directed, Part 7

Section-C :  Do as Directed, Part 7 Secure 12 Marks . (i) Change the following Exclamatory   Sentence into Assertive Sentence:   What a lovely scene! Ans. The scene is very lovely.  { ☆●☆ Sentences ➡️  CLICK HERE FOR MORE PRACTICE  } (ii) Choose the correct option to determine which  part of speech   does the underlined word belong to.     The sun sets in the west. a) Adjective (b) verb (c) interjection (d) pronoun  Ans. Verb { ☆●☆ Parts of Speech ➡️  CLICK HERE FOR MORE PRACTICE  } (iii) Fill in the blank with a suitable  determiner .        ______ boys attend the class. Ans. A few { ☆●☆ Determiners ➡️  CLICK HERE FOR MORE PRACTICE  } (iv) Underline the  helping verb   and encircle   the  main verb   in the following sentence.         She will take tea. Ans. Helping Verb : will          Main Verb: take  { ☆●☆ Helping Verb ➡️  CLICK HERE FOR MORE PRACTICE  } { ☆●☆ Verbs   ➡️  CLICK HERE FOR MORE PRACTICE  } (v) State whether the verb in the following sentence is  Transitive or Int

Section-C : Grammar - Do as Directed, Part 6

         Section-C : Do as Directed , Part 6 Secure 12 Marks. (i) Change the following Negative Sentence into Positive sentence:   She cannot tell a lie. Ans. She can tell a lie. (ii) Choose the correct option to determine which  part of speech  does the underlined word belong to.    I give her a book. a) Adjective (b) verb (c) interjection (d) pronoun  Ans. Pronoun  (iii) Fill in the blank with a suitable  determiner .        ______ teachers were asked to be present on Sunday. Ans. Our (iv) Underline the  helping verb   and encircle   the  main verb   in the following sentence.         They were eating in a restaurant. Ans. Helping Verb : were         Main Verb: eating  (v) State whether the verb in the following sentence is  Transitive or Intransitive., Also write the verb and the object      Manju is going to buy him a book. Ans. Transitive Verb      Verb: is going       Object: him, a book (vi) Fill in the blank with the appropriate  degree of the adjective  given in the bracket. 

Section-C : Grammar - Do as Directed, Part 5

        Section-C : Do as Directed , Part 5 Secure 12 Marks. (i) Change the following Positive  sentence into Negative sentence:  I have a book. Ans. I do not have a book. (ii) Choose the correct option to determine which  part of speech  does the underlined word belong to.   She is my best friend.  a) Adjective (b) verb (c) interjection (d) pronoun  Ans. Adjective  (iii) Fill in the blank with a suitable  determiner .   We  should look into _____ depth of the problem. Ans. the (iv) Underline the  helping verb   and encircle   the  main verb   in the following sentence.      Sushant is sitting in the kitchen. Ans. Helping Verb : is         Main Verb: sitting  (v) State whether the verb in the following sentence is  Transitive or Intransitive., Also write the verb and the object     He does not like his table. Ans. Transitive Verb      Verb: does not like       Object: his table  (vi) Fill in the blank with the appropriate  degree of the adjective  given in the bracket.    Her sweatshi

Section-C : Grammar - Do as Directed, Part 4

       Section-C : Do as Directed , Part 4 Secure 12 Marks. (i) Convert the following Interrogative sentence into Assertive sentence:  Was the train late? Ans. The train was late.  (ii) Choose the correct option to determine which  part of speech  does the underlined word belong to.  Honesty is the best policy.  a) noun (b) verb (c) interjection (d) pronoun  Ans. Noun (iii) Fill in the blank with a suitable  determiner .       But I had ____ idea of all this. Ans. an (iv) Underline the  helping verb   and encircle   the  main verb   in the following sentence.     Rakhee had prepared food at home. Ans. Helping Verb : had         Main Verb: prepared (v) State whether the verb in the following sentence is  Transitive or Intransitive., Also write the verb and the object    The wind is blowing strongly. Ans. Intransitive Verb      Verb: is blowing       Object: — (vi) Write the   comparative and superlative degree of the adjective :    near Ans. nearer, nearest  (vii) Fill in the blanks wi

Daily Quiz # 114 / Subject-Verb Agreement

  Daily Quiz # 114 Subject-Verb Agreement Loading… ☆☆☆●●●●☆☆☆●●●☆☆☆●●●☆☆☆●●●☆☆☆ Topic : Subject-Verb Agreement  🔊  Note :  Reply the answer correctly  in the  comment box , and get a chance to win digital certificate daily. First three winners will be announced. ●●☆☆●●☆☆●●☆☆●●☆☆●●☆☆●●☆☆●●☆☆●● Note  :  For more practice of  Subject-Verb Agreement , click @ ⭐️⭐️  Click here to get all the Daily Quizzes Winners of the Day on November 21, 2022: Keep participating , keep progressing @ ☆☆☆☆☆ Join this Community group to get the  Daily Quiz personally:  CLICK HERE

Daily Quiz # 112 / Subject-Verb Agreement

  Daily Quiz # 112  Subject-Verb Agreement Loading… ☆☆☆●●●●☆☆☆●●●☆☆☆●●●☆☆☆●●●☆☆☆ Topic : Subject-Verb Agreement  🔊  Note :  Reply the answer correctly  in the  comment box , and get a chance to win digital certificate daily. First three winners will be announced. ●●☆☆●●☆☆●●☆☆●●☆☆●●☆☆●●☆☆●●☆☆●● Note  :  For more practice of  Subject-Verb Agreement , click @ ⭐️⭐️  Click here to get all the Daily Quizzes Winners of the Day on November 19, 2022: Keep participating , keep progressing @

Daily Quiz # 111 / Subject-Verb Agreement

  Daily Quiz # 111   Subject-Verb Agreement Loading… ☆☆☆●●●●☆☆☆●●●☆☆☆●●●☆☆☆●●●☆☆☆ Topic : Subject-Verb Agreement  🔊  Note :  Reply the answer correctly and first of all in the  comment box , and get a chance to win digital certificate. First three Winners will be announced. ●●☆☆●●☆☆●●☆☆●●☆☆●●☆☆●●☆☆●●☆☆●● Note  :  For more practice of  Subject-Verb Agreement , click @ ⭐️⭐️  Click here to get all the Daily Quizzes Winners of the Day on November 17, 2022: Keep participating , keep progressing @

Daily Quiz # 110 /Subject-Verb Agreement

 Daily Quiz # 110 || Subject-Verb Agreement Loading… ☆☆☆●●●●☆☆☆●●●☆☆☆●●●☆☆☆●●●☆☆☆ Topic : Subject-Verb Agreement  🔊  Note :  Reply the answer correctly and first of all in the  comment box , and get a chance to win digital certificate. First three Winners will be announced. ●●☆☆●●☆☆●●☆☆●●☆☆●●☆☆●●☆☆●●☆☆●● Note  :  For more practice of  Subject-Verb Agreement , click @ ⭐️⭐️  Click here to get all the Daily Quizzes Winners of the Day on November 16, 2022: Keep participating , keep progressing @

Daily Quiz # 109 || Subject-Verb Agreement

 Daily Quiz # 109||Subject-Verb Agreement Loading… ☆☆☆●●●●☆☆☆●●●☆☆☆●●●☆☆☆●●●☆☆☆ Topic : Subject-Verb Agreement  🔊  Note :  Reply the answer correctly and first of all in the  comment box , and get a chance to win digital certificate. First three Winners will be announced. ●●☆☆●●☆☆●●☆☆●●☆☆●●☆☆●●☆☆●●☆☆●● Note  :  For more practice of  Subject-Verb Agreement , click @ ⭐️⭐️  Click here to get all the Daily Quizzes Winners of the Day on November 15, 2022: ❌️Not any❌️ Keep participating , keep progressing @