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Do as Directed, Set 18

       Grammar (Do as Directed) M.M. 10 Marks                                            1. Fill in the blanks with suitable Determiner: In my last summer vacation, I went to ____ historical place. It was _____ very beautiful place. 2. Fill in the blanks with suitable Prepositions: Good translation is the result _____ practice and patience. It requires skill to translate words and ideas ____ one language. 3. Fill in the blanks with suitable Modal: Walk fast lest you _______ miss the train. (would/ should) 4. Combine the sentences with a suitable Conjunction: Rajan is kind. He is honest. (Using both- and) 5. Fill in the blanks with suitable Non-Finite: It is no use ______ over spilt milk. ( cry) 6.  Identify the subordinate clause and name it :   My fear was that Mohit would reach late. 7. Change the Voice:      Do not make a noise. 8. Change the narration: He said," What a great misery!" 9. Change it into Past

Do as Directed, Set 17

      Grammar (Do as Directed) M.M. 10 Marks                                            1. Fill in the blanks with suitable Determiner: _____ poor peasant went off early in ____ morning. 2. Fill in the blanks with suitable Prepositions: He jumped _____ the wall. 3. Fill in the blanks with suitable Modal: You _______ clean your teeth every morning. (could/ should) 4. Combine the sentences with a suitable Conjunction: I cannot stand. I cannot sit. (Using neither , nor) 5. Fill in the blanks with suitable Non-Finite: The children seemed ............ on seeing the giant. ( frighten) 6.  Identify the subordinate clause and name it :   This is the man who displayed those magic tricks.  7. Change the Voice:      The peon was ringing the bell. 8. Change the narration: He said," O, for a glass of water!" 9. Change it into Past Indefinite Tense:   Mohan helps his father. 10. Punctuate the following sentence:     

Do as Directed, Set 16

     Grammar (Do as Directed) M.M. 10 Marks                                            1. Fill in the blanks with suitable Determiner: Chandigarh is _____ capital of Punjab. It is ___ favorite city. 2. Fill in the blanks with suitable Prepositions: He took pity _____ the poor man. 3. Fill in the blanks with suitable Modal: She worked hard so that she _______ pass. (may/ might) 4. Combine the sentences with a suitable Conjunction: He is very weak. He can not stand. 5. Fill in the blank with suitable Non-Finite: He used to (go) to cinema too often. 6.  Identify the subordinate clause and name it :   Look before you leap.  7. Change the Voice:      He will do his duty. 8. Change the narration: Sita said," Goodbye, my friend." 9. Change it into Past Indefinite Tense:   He rides a bicycle. 10. Punctuate the following sentence:      i tell you sir i have read king lear ●●☆☆●●☆☆●●☆☆●●☆☆●●☆☆●●☆☆●●☆☆ Answer Key 1. Determine

Do as Directed, Set 15

    Grammar (Do as Directed) M.M. 10 Marks                                            1. Fill in the blanks with suitable Determiner: i) I have _____ friend who is as stupid as _____ owl. 2. Fill in the blanks with suitable Prepositions: i) Mr Smith is known _____ me. 3. Fill in the blanks with suitable Modal: i) As he tried his best, he ______ easily win the game. (can/ could) 4. Fill in the blanks with suitable Conjunction: i) I did go there ______ I didn't participate in the discussion. 5. Fill in the blanks with suitable Non-Finite: i) She bade us ______ away. (go) 6.  Identify the subordinate clause and name it :  i) I will not allow you to come inside unless you apologize. 7. Change the Voice:      i) Parents should not over- protect their children. 8. Change the narration: Reeta says,"Kartik is ill." 9. Change it into Future Indefinite Tense: He helped me. 10. Punctuate the following sentence:      i) he ask

Do as Directed, Set 14

  Grammar (Do as Directed) M.M. 8 Marks                                            1. Fill in the blanks with suitable Determiner: i) Ram opened _____ bag and spread out _____ articles. 2. Fill in the blanks with suitable Prepositions: i) The Gita gives us a message ______ universal brotherhood. 3. Fill in the blanks with suitable Modal: i) You ______ be home by 11 o' clock. (must/ should) ( order) 4. Fill in the blanks with suitable Conjunction: i) There are certain things______ are beyond my reach now. 5. Fill in the blanks with suitable Non-Finite: i) You are requested ______ me. (help) 6.  Identify the subordinate clause and name it :  i) I remember the village where I was born. 7. Change the Voice:      i) Let her sing. 8. Punctuate the following sentence:      i) the rich and the poor the high and the low the weak and the strong visit this temple ●●☆☆●●☆☆●●☆☆●●☆☆●●☆☆●●☆☆●●☆☆ Answer Key 1. Determiner : i) his, the 2.  Pre

Do as Directed, Set 13

Grammar (Do as Directed) M.M. 7 Marks                                            1. Fill in the blanks with suitable Determiner: i) India is ______ country. We are proud of ______ rich heritage. 2. Fill in the blanks with suitable Prepositions: i) Reading gives us a lot ______ pleasure. 3. Fill in the blanks with suitable Modal: i) You ______ complete your homework now. (must/ should) ( compulsion) 4. Fill in the blanks with suitable Conjunction: i) ______ I was young , I used to travel a lot. 5.  Identify the subordinate clause and name it :  i) Life is what you make it.  6. Change the Voice:      i) He may avoid you. 7. Punctuate the following sentence:      Ramesh the director of the company has gone to delhi ●●☆☆●●☆☆●●☆☆●●☆☆●●☆☆●●☆☆●●☆☆ Answer Key 1. Determiner : i) our, its 2.  Preposition: i) of 3.  Modal: i) must 4. Conjunction: i) When 5  Clause : i) Principal Clause : Life is  Sub. Clause  :  what you make it Type: Noun Claus

Do as Directed, Set 12

                        Grammar (Do as Directed) M.M. 6 Marks                                            1. Fill in the blanks with suitable Determiner: i) Mr Goyal went to bazaar and __________ honey from a shop. ( any / some) 2. Fill in the blanks with suitable Prepositions: i) It's not possible ______ a man to read all of them. 3. Fill in the blanks with suitable Modal: i) It ______ rain today. (can/ may) ( greater possibility) 4.  Identify the subordinate clause and name it :  i) This is the doctor who treated me.  5. Change the Voice:      i) It's time to have tea. 6. Punctuate the following sentence:      i) My sister is ma b ed ●●☆☆●●☆☆●●☆☆●●☆☆●●☆☆●●☆☆●●☆☆ Answer Key 1. Determiner : i)  some 2.  Preposition i) for 3.  Modal i) can 4.  Clause : i) Principal Clause : This is the doctor Sub. Clause  :  who treated me Type: Adjective Clause  5. Passive Voice: i) It is time for tea to be had. 6. Punctuation : i) My sister is