
Silent Letter U / List of more than 25 Words

What words have silent letter u? |Words having Silent Letter u/ Spin and Speak Activity  Today, I am going to talk about silent u. Some words in English have silent letter 'u'. Here is the list : antiq u e bisc u its  b u ild b u ilding  b u ilt catalog u e circ u it  colleag u e  disg u ise  fatig u e g u ard  g u ess g u est g u ide g u ilt g u itar   🎸  leag u e morg u e mosq u e o ugh t prolog u e  rog u e tong u e vag u e vog u e Click here to join us on Telegram Note: 1. U is silent when it comes between b,c g or q and a vowel. 2. When u comes between o and gh.  Examples : i) b+ u+ vowel  build building  built ii) c+ u+ vowel biscuits  circuit iii) g+ u+ vowel catalogue  colleague disguise fatigue guard guess guest guide guilt guitar league morgue prologue  rogue tongue vague vogue iv) q+ u+ vowel antique  v) o+ u+ gh ought bought brought  fought Learn with fun.  Do share this with everyone, please.  Spin the wheel and Speak the words loudly for practice . 

Nouns- Genders

 Change the Genders  Page -30 Masculine  Feminine God Goddess waiter waitress tiger tigress lion lioness prince princess emperor  empress host hostess duke duchess actor actress bull cow son daughter  horse mare uncle aunt nephew  niece sir madam brother  sister father mother male female husband  wife goose gander Page -31 Masculine  Feminine  milkman milkmaid  landlord landlady  peacock peahen he-goat she-goat father-in-law mother-in-law grandfather grandmother  son-in-law daughter-in-law grandson granddaughter  policeman policewoman Masculine  Feminine  hero heroine lad lass bridegroom bride widower widow sultan sultana czar czarina  magician Sorceresses/ female magician Page no. 32 : Common Gender pilot friend bird parent baby teacher doctor member  child candidate  player enemy pupil shopkeeper Neuter Gender : chair mountain  paper fan book computer school camera pencil photo table dustbin rickshaw  photo bike car train notebook 🎯🎯 Gender : Learn with fun : 3 Activities are here

Summer Camp Activities: Digital Certificates

Summer Camp Activities: Digital Certificates ( June 14 to 21) Reading a Book : Collage Making: Be a Photographer : Clay Modelling : Be a News Reporter: Best Handwriting Day: Art and Craft Activity: Show and Tell Activity: Keep participating!