Test Your Vocabulary ( Set 35)


      Test Your Vocabulary ( Set 35)

Each question carries one mark.

 ( Maximum Marks =5 )

If you know the answers, comment below. ⬇️⬇️

🔊🔊🔊 Attempt the following:

a) Fill in the blank with a suitable word:

      Her manners are ________.

     (amiable/ amicable)

b) Use the following idiom in a sentence on your own:

       apple of one's eye

c) Give one word for the following:

      A word opposite in meaning

d) Correct the following sentence:

      Sita is fond of vegetable. 

e) Complete  the following Proverb:

     A little knowledge is _______ . 



1. amiable
2. My daughter is the apple of my eye.
3. antonym 
4. Sita is fond of vegetables. 
5.  A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. 

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