C7 / Prefix and Suffix

 Page no. 25, Prefix / Suffix (break them)

●● The word 'impossible' can be broken as under :

im + possible 

Here im- is a prefix. 


Prefix comes before the main word. 

Prefixes change the meaning of the word and generally make them the opposite of the main word.

☆☆ The word 'national can be broken as under :

 nation + al

Here -al is a suffix. 


Suffix comes after the main word.

Suffices are used to show the part of the speech of a word.  They don't make the opposites.

Let's look at more wordsand see how we can break them: 

1. frozen = froze+n

2. return = re + turn

3. extremely = extreme +ly

4. disappointed = dis+appoint+ ed

5. shivering= shiver+ ing

6. wisest= wise+ est

7. realise = real+ ise

8. looking= look+ ing

Keep learning Pefixes and Siffixes.


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