C8 | Charge for Love

 Answer the following questions.

1.Who approached the owner of the shop?

Ans- A boy approached the shop owner.

2. What was the owner charging for healthy puppies?

 Ans- He was charging $30 to $ 50 for each puppy.

3. How much money did the boy have?

Ans-The boy had $ 2.37.

4. What problem did the lame puppy have?

Ans- The lame puppy did not have a hip socket. It would always limp.

5. Which puppy was chosen by the little boy and why?

Ans- The boy chose the lame puppy as he himself was lame. He could empathize with its condition.

6. Why did the shop owner agree to give the puppy for free?

Ans-The shop owner felt that there shouldn't be any charge on love.

ACTIVITY-5: Put a tick (√) or a cross (X) against each sentence

1. The shop owner wanted to sell kittens. (X)

2. The shop owner wanted to sell puppies. (√)

3. The boy was an athlete and needed a pet to exercise with. (X)

4. One of the puppies was blind. (X)

5. The boy had enough money to buy four pets. (X)

6. The shop owner insisted that the boy might take the puppy for free. (√)

7. The boy had a crippled leg. (√)

8. The boy initially came looking for a horse. (X)


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