
Showing posts with the label 8 Term 1

C8/ Paragraph/ Incident: Narrate a situation

Incident: Narrate a situation when your parents offered you money in exchange for doing something. During Covid, I needed to buy a smartphone. I urged my parents to buy one for me but they told me that I would have to earn money for that. I agreed happily. I started doing small chores, washed dishes, cleaned my room and watered the plants. I saved my pocket money too. At the end of the month, I was able to buy a second-hand smartphone with my hard-earned money. I was on cloud nine. Happy Learning!

C8 / Dialogue between a shop owner and a customer 

Conversation between a shop owner and a customer , Page # 15 Shop owner: How may I help you? Customer: I need to buy some biscuits and ice cream. Shop owner: Which biscuits do you want? Customer: I want good ice cream biscuits. Which ones do you have? Shop owner : I have Little Magic biscuits. Customer: Little Magic? Never heard of them! Shop owner: Oh, they are chocolate biscuits with vanilla and strawberry cream. Customer: That sounds interesting! I think I will buy some. Shop owner: Great! How many should I pack? Customer: Just one. Shop owner: Just one? Customer: Yes, I want to taste it first. Shop owner: Okay. Take it. Customer: What's its price? Shop owner: Nothing. You can keep it. Customer: No, I can't.  Shop owner: Why? Customer: Our teacher, Mrs Acme Mittal, has taught us not to become tempted by such offers. Shop owner:  Impressed! Give me ten rupees for one packet.  Customer: Okay. Shop owner: I must say you made my day. Happy listening!

Change the following 10 Assertive Sentences into Exclamatory Sentences:

Change the following 10 Assertive Sentences into Exclamatory Sentences: 1. He is truly noble. How noble he is! 2. This is indeed a great pleasure.  What a pleasure! 3. It is very kind of you to help him like that.  How kind you are to help him like it! 4  I wish I would young again. Oh that I am young again! or Oh! I wish I could be young again.  or If only I were young again! 5. It is a very wonderful opportunity.  What a wonderful opportunity! 6. It is a bitterly cold morning. What a cold morning! 7. It was an extremely delightful party. How delightful the party was! 8. She danced very beautifully. How beautifully she danced! 9. I wish I had never met you.  Would that I had never met you! 10. It is stupid of me to forget your name. How stupid! I have forgotten your name. Keep Learning!

Change the following 10 Exclamatory Sentences into Assertive Sentences:

Change the following 10 Exclamatory Sentences into Assertive Sentences: 1. Bravo! You have done well. It is brave of you to do well. 2. Alas! The soldier died at Galwan Valley. It is very sad that the soldier died at Galwan Valley. 3. How beautiful the scenery is! The scenery is very beautiful.  4. How foolish I had been! I had been very foolish.  5. What a disaster the earthquake is! The earthquake is a very big disaster.  6. How stiff the paper is! The paper is very stiff. 7. May God reward this act of yours!  I pray to God to reward this act of yours. Or We wish that God may reward this act of yours. 8. What a terrible storm it is!  It is a very terrible storm.  9. Wonderful!I have never seen anything like this earlier. It is wonderful to see such a thing. 10. May God pardon this sinner! I pray to God to pardon this sinner. or We wish that God may pardon this sinner. Keep Learning!

Change the Negative Sentences into Positive forms:

Change the following 10 Negative Sentences into Positive forms: 1. Sohan is not an idle boy. Sohan  is an idle boy. 2. I don't have an umbrella with me. I have  an umbrella with me. 3. He may not play well today. He  may play  well today. 4. She can not tell a lie. She  can tell  a lie. 5. I must not take this medicine. I  must take  this medicine. 6. He does not take this risk. He takes this risk. 7. Do not strike the match. Strike the match. 8. Do not let him go. Let him go. 9. Do not keep my book. Keep my book. 10. They did not catch the evening train.  They caught the evening train.  Keep Learning!

Change the following 10 Positive Sentences into their Negative forms:

Change the following 10 Positive Sentences into their Negative forms: 1. This dress is very costly. This dress is not very costly. 2. His neighbour was quite well  yesterday. His neighbour was not quite well  yesterday. 3. Your friends were good to me. Your friends were not   good to me. 4. Shyam has a lotus in his hand. Shyam does not have a lotus in his hand. 5. I have a horse. I do not have a horse. 6. I have seen this picture. I have not seen this picture. 7. You have corrected me.  You have not corrected me.  8. The cattle graze in the pasture. The cattle do not graze in the pasture. 9. I get up early in the morning. I do not get up early in the morning. 10. We saw a snake in the grass.   We did not see a snake in the grass. 📌  Remember :  1. Every negative  sentence begins with a  capital  letter. 2. A   full stop or period (.) is placed at the end. 3.  Not is used after the helping verb.  4. Use do not in the Simple Present , and did not in the Simple Past Tense. Ke

Change the 15 Interrogative Sentences into Assertive Sentences:

Change the following 15 Interrogative  Sentences into Assertive Sentences: 1. Are you on leave today? You are on leave today.  2. Was the train late? The train was late.  3. Were the boys not lazy? The boys were not lazy. 4. Am I strong? I am strong.  5. Is your sister ill? Your sister is ill. 6.  Has it been raining since morning? It has been raining since morning. 7. Have you fulfilled your promise? You have fulfilled your promise. 8.  Has he taken the test? He has taken the test. 9.  Had you seen this picture? You had seen this picture. 10. Did he come by train yesterday? He came by train yesterday. 11. Can you travel fifty miles a day? You can travel fifty miles a day. 12. Should I stick to my promise? I should stick to my promise. 13. Does the watchman keep watch over the house? The watchman keeps watch over the house. 14. Do you pray to God everyday ? You pray to God everyday. 15. Did the train start at ten? The train started at ten. 📌  Remember :  1. Every assertive sentence b

C8 / Sentences/ Change the Affirmative Sentences into Interrogative Sentences

 Change the Following 15  Affirmative Sentences into Interrogative Sentences: 1. He is clever.  Is he clever? 2. He was simple.  Was he simple? 3. Ram was feeling tired. Was Ram feeling tired? 4. Sita was angry. Was Sita angry? 5. They were good friends. Were they good friends? 6. He painted the door blue. Did he paint the door blue? 7. He has three pencils. Does he have three pencils? 8. We had a good time there. Did  we have a good time there? 9.  I have to do it. Do I have to do it? 10.  Sohan had finished his work.  Had Sohan finished his work? 11. I shall go there tomorrow. Shall I go there tomorrow? 12. He will play a match. Will he play a match? 13. I can do it. Can I do it? 14. He may help you. May he help you? 15. The sun does not shine at night. Does the sun not shine at night? 📌 Remember :  1. An interrogative sentence is the one which asks a question.  2. Every sentence begins with a  capital letter. 3. Interrogative sentence begins with a helping verb . 4. Here, the su

Types of Sentence

  Types of Sentence : Read the sentences given below and state which type of sentences they are in the given space. 1. He plays football.  (Affirmative) 2. He does not live here.                  (Negative) 3. Please help me.          (Imperative) 4. May you grow wiser!              (Optative) 5. Do you play?                            (Interrogative) 6.  How brave he is!            (Exclamatory) 7. Always speak the truth.        (Imperative)  8. Who does not love his country?                    (Interrogative)  9. How ugly the camel is!              ( Exclamatory)  10. Does he come here daily?  (Interrogative)  11. Leave this place.                        ( Imperative)  12. May you live long!            (Optative)  13. Has he come here?          (Interrogative) 14. May you succeed!        (Optative) 15. The earth moves around the sun.                                    (Affirmative) I6. I wish you were rich!                (Optative) 17. Where is your pen?        (Interrogative) I8. I

Write alphabetically , C8

Vocabulary expansion: Given  below are a few words. Write them in order as they appear in a dictionary.  1. market 2. realized  3. decided  4. value 5. money  6. ultimate  7. moment  8. storage  9. arrange  10. machine 11. technology  12. consumerist  13. excited  14. faster  15. account 16. investing 17. pollution  18. disaster 19. persuade  20. prepare  📌Answer Key : 1. account 2. arrange 3. consumerist 4. decided 5. disaster 6. excited  7. faster 8. investing   9. machine 10. market 11. moment 12. money 13. persuade  14. pollution 15. prepare   16. realized 17. storage 18. technology   19. ultimate 20. value ✍Write it in your English notebook.

Characters of Value of Money

 Let's Meet All the 4 Characters of Value of Money:  1. Narrator  2. Her parents  3. The Bell Centre Employee 

Chapter no. 1 - Value of Money (15 M.C.Qs.)

Chapter no. 1 - Value of Money  (15 M.C.Qs.) 1. The narrator was _____ when she learned the value of money.  a) 14   b) 16     c) 18    d) 20 2. What made the narrator unhappy?  a) The limitations of her own computer.      b) Her parents' refusal c)  Watching a lot of TV.               d) None of the above 3. What was the narrator obsessed with? a) The latest Bell Computer    b) The latest mobile phone  c)  The latest laptop                     d) All of the above 4. What were the two features of the Dell computer that were being advertised on TV? a) It has the fastest processor     b) unbelievably high storage  c) both a and b                               d) neither a nor b 5. What offer did the parents give to the narrator? a) To look for a job      b) To earn money by doing house chores.             c) To buy a laptop       d) None of the above  6. The author read articles in tech magazines.  a) True          b) False 7. Her parents could not refuse to buy her the computer.