
Translation based on non-activity sentences, Class 10

Translation based on non-activity sentences Understand these sentences @

Daily Quiz # 114 / Subject-Verb Agreement

  Daily Quiz # 114 Subject-Verb Agreement Loading… ☆☆☆●●●●☆☆☆●●●☆☆☆●●●☆☆☆●●●☆☆☆ Topic : Subject-Verb Agreement  🔊  Note :  Reply the answer correctly  in the  comment box , and get a chance to win digital certificate daily. First three winners will be announced. ●●☆☆●●☆☆●●☆☆●●☆☆●●☆☆●●☆☆●●☆☆●● Note  :  For more practice of  Subject-Verb Agreement , click @ ⭐️⭐️  Click here to get all the Daily Quizzes Winners of the Day on November 21, 2022: Keep participating , keep progressing @ ☆☆☆☆☆ Join this Community group to get the  Daily Quiz personally:  CLICK HERE

Translation based on Imperative Sentences , Class 10

Translation based on  Imperative Sentence:   1. ਕਦੇ ਝੂਠ ਨਾ ਬੋਲੋ।  Never tell a lie. 2. ਬੁਰੀ ਸੰਗਤ ਤੋਂ ਬਚੋ। Avoid bad company.  3. ਸ਼ੋਰ ਨਾ ਮਚਾਓ। Don't make a noise .  4. ਸਦਾ ਸੱਚ ਬੋਲੋ। Always speak the truth.  5. ਚੁੱਪ ਰਹੋ। Keep silence.  6. ਉਸਨੂੰ ਬੋਲਣ ਦਿਉ। Let him speak.  7. ਮੈਨੂੰ ਜਾਣ ਦਿਉ।  Let me go. 8. ਆਓ! ਸੈਰ ਨੂੰ ਚੱਲੀਏ। Come, let's go for a walk. 9. ਆਓ! ਧੁੱਪੇ ਬੈਠੀਏ। Come, let's sit in the sun.  10. ਮੇਰੇ ਲਈ ਪਾਣੀ ਦਾ ਗਲਾਸ ਮੰਗਵਾਓ। Bring me a glass of water.  11. ਆਪਣਾ ਸਮਾਂ ਬਰਾਬਾਦ ਨਾ ਕਰੋ। Don't waste your time.  12. ਮੇਰੀ ਗੱਲ ਸੁਣੋ । Listen to me.  13. ਬਕਵਾਸ ਨਾ ਕਰੋ।  Don't talk nonsense.  14. ਇਹ ਪੱਤਰ ਡਾਕ ਵਿੱਚ ਪਾ ਦਿਉ । Put the letter in the postbox .  15. ਆਪਣੀਆਂ ਕਿਤਾਬਾਂ ਖੋਲੋ। Open your books. Understand all these Ssentences @

Summary/ Central Idea of Razia, the Tigress

  *Razia, the Tigress*  Summary/ Central Idea Do you know what is the theme of this poem? Open your book, read the poem and watch this video to know the summry/ central idea of this poem. Do write it in your English notebook.  *Watch this video on LED/ projector.* Regards Acme Mittal  English Mistress  Bathinda

Poem- Razia, the Tigress


Daily Quiz # 113 / Subject-Verb Agreement

  Daily Quiz # 113 Subject-Verb Agreement Loading… ☆☆☆●●●●☆☆☆●●●☆☆☆●●●☆☆☆●●●☆☆☆ Topic : Subject-Verb Agreement  🔊  Note :  Reply the answer correctly  in the  comment box , and get a chance to win digital certificate daily. First three winners will be announced. ●●☆☆●●☆☆●●☆☆●●☆☆●●☆☆●●☆☆●●☆☆●● Note  :  For more practice of  Subject-Verb Agreement , click @ ⭐️⭐️  Click here to get all the Daily Quizzes Winners of the Day on November 20, 2022: Keep participating , keep progressing @ ☆☆☆☆☆ Join this Community group to get the Daily Quiz personally:  CLICK HERE

Translation based on Proverbs

Translation based on Proverbs Understand @

Translation based on Interrogative & Exclamatory Sentences

Translation based on Interrogative & Exclamatory Sentences

Translation based on Idioms


Do as Directed, Set 1

Grammar (Do as Directed) M.M. 5 Marks                                            1. Change the Voice:     i. The children were collecting stamps.     ii. She will water the plants.     iii. Columbus discovered America. 2. Identify the subordinate clause and name it :  i. I know that she loves music.  ii. She is the girl who helped me. ●●☆☆●●☆☆●●☆☆●●☆☆●●☆☆●●☆☆●●☆☆ Answer Key 1. Passive Voice: i. Stamps were being collected by the children. ii. The plants will be watered by her. iii. America was discovered by Columbus. 2. Clause: i. I know that she loves music. Sub. Clause : that she loves music Type: Noun Clause   ii. She is the girl who helped me. Sub. Clause: who helped me Type : Adjective Clause  Keep participating , keep progressing @ ☆☆☆☆☆ Join this Community group to get this  personally:  CLICK HERE

Test Your Vocabulary ( Set 17)

          Test Your Vocabulary ( Set  17) Each question carries one mark.  (  Maximum Marks = 5) Comment below. ⬇️⬇️ 🔊 🔊🔊 Attempt the following: a)  Fill in the blank with a suitable word:      This is a   ______ cloth  .      (coarse/ course) b)  Use the following idiom in a sentence on your own:         By leaps and bounds  c)  Give one word for the following:       Marrying two wives d)  Correct the following sentence:      Can I come in , madam? o e)  Complet e  the following  Proverb :           ____________ begins at home.  ●●□□●●□□●●□□●●□□●●□□●●□□●●□□●●□□●●□□ CHECK YOUR ANSWERS: Join us @  CLICK HERE ☆☆☆☆☆ Join this Community group to get this Vocabulary Test personally:  CLICK HERE

Daily Quiz # 112 / Subject-Verb Agreement

  Daily Quiz # 112  Subject-Verb Agreement Loading… ☆☆☆●●●●☆☆☆●●●☆☆☆●●●☆☆☆●●●☆☆☆ Topic : Subject-Verb Agreement  🔊  Note :  Reply the answer correctly  in the  comment box , and get a chance to win digital certificate daily. First three winners will be announced. ●●☆☆●●☆☆●●☆☆●●☆☆●●☆☆●●☆☆●●☆☆●● Note  :  For more practice of  Subject-Verb Agreement , click @ ⭐️⭐️  Click here to get all the Daily Quizzes Winners of the Day on November 19, 2022: Keep participating , keep progressing @

Daily Quiz # 111 / Subject-Verb Agreement

  Daily Quiz # 111   Subject-Verb Agreement Loading… ☆☆☆●●●●☆☆☆●●●☆☆☆●●●☆☆☆●●●☆☆☆ Topic : Subject-Verb Agreement  🔊  Note :  Reply the answer correctly and first of all in the  comment box , and get a chance to win digital certificate. First three Winners will be announced. ●●☆☆●●☆☆●●☆☆●●☆☆●●☆☆●●☆☆●●☆☆●● Note  :  For more practice of  Subject-Verb Agreement , click @ ⭐️⭐️  Click here to get all the Daily Quizzes Winners of the Day on November 17, 2022: Keep participating , keep progressing @

Test Your Vocabulary ( Set 16)

        Test Your Vocabulary ( Set  16) Each question carries one mark.  (  Maximum Marks = 5) Comment below. ⬇️⬇️ 🔊 🔊🔊 Attempt the following: a)  Fill in the blank with a suitable word:         Loosen the  ______ of this pocket a bit .      (chord/ cord) b)  Use the following idiom in a sentence on your own:         By virtue of c)  Give one word for the following:       Government by the officials  d)  Correct the following sentence:      Take the medicine each four hours. e)  Complet e  the following  Proverb :         Boys will be ____________.  ●●□□●●□□●●□□●●□□●●□□●●□□●●□□●●□□●●□□ CHECK YOUR ANSWERS: Join us @  CLICK HERE

Question Papers , November 2022

Click here ➡️  All classes Papers for your convenience:  6th ➡️  CLICK HERE 7th ➡️  CLICK HERE 8th ➡️  CLICK HERE 9th ➡️  CLICK HERE 10th ➡️  CLICK HERE Datesheet and PTM

Datesheet and PTM/ Inspire Meet , November / December 2022

PTM:  December 24, 2022   ☆▪︎▪︎☆••☆••☆••☆••☆▪︎▪︎☆••☆••☆••☆••☆••☆••☆ Datesheet, November 2022 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 25 November Phy Edu Wel. Life 26 November Punjabi S.S. English Science Maths 29 November Maths Hindi Maths Computer English 30 November Computer Phy Edu Music Maths Science 1 December English Science S.S. Hindi Punjabi A 2 December Hindi English Science Punjabi A S.S. 3 December Science Punjabi Hindi S.S. Punjabi B 5 December S.S. Computer Punjabi English Hindi 6 December Music Maths Wel. Life NSQF Computer 7 December Wel.Life Music Computer Wel.Life NSQF 8 December Phy Edu Wel. Life Punjabi B ☆▪︎▪︎☆••☆••☆••☆••☆••☆••☆••☆••☆••☆••☆••☆••☆ Join Our Telegram Group to stay updated  

Daily Quiz # 110 /Subject-Verb Agreement

 Daily Quiz # 110 || Subject-Verb Agreement Loading… ☆☆☆●●●●☆☆☆●●●☆☆☆●●●☆☆☆●●●☆☆☆ Topic : Subject-Verb Agreement  🔊  Note :  Reply the answer correctly and first of all in the  comment box , and get a chance to win digital certificate. First three Winners will be announced. ●●☆☆●●☆☆●●☆☆●●☆☆●●☆☆●●☆☆●●☆☆●● Note  :  For more practice of  Subject-Verb Agreement , click @ ⭐️⭐️  Click here to get all the Daily Quizzes Winners of the Day on November 16, 2022: Keep participating , keep progressing @

Daily Quiz # 109 || Subject-Verb Agreement

 Daily Quiz # 109||Subject-Verb Agreement Loading… ☆☆☆●●●●☆☆☆●●●☆☆☆●●●☆☆☆●●●☆☆☆ Topic : Subject-Verb Agreement  🔊  Note :  Reply the answer correctly and first of all in the  comment box , and get a chance to win digital certificate. First three Winners will be announced. ●●☆☆●●☆☆●●☆☆●●☆☆●●☆☆●●☆☆●●☆☆●● Note  :  For more practice of  Subject-Verb Agreement , click @ ⭐️⭐️  Click here to get all the Daily Quizzes Winners of the Day on November 15, 2022: ❌️Not any❌️ Keep participating , keep progressing @

Test Your Vocabulary ( Set 15)

        Test Your Vocabulary ( Set  15) Each question carries one mark.  ( Maximum Marks = 5) Comment below.  🔊 🔊🔊 Attempt the following: a)  Fill in the blank with a suitable word:         This ______ is good for a shop.      (cite/ site) b)  Use the following idiom in a sentence on your own:         To beat about the bush  c)  Give one word for the following:       One who lives in a foreign country  d)  Correct the following sentence:      Two of my brother-in-laws are staying with me.  e)  Complet e  the following  Proverb :         Blood is thicker  ____________.  ●●□□●●□□●●□□●●□□●●□□●●□□●●□□●●□□●●□□ CHECK YOUR ANSWERS:     🙏🙏  Join us to get more important material: WhatsApp :   Click here Telegram :  CLICK HERE Facebook :  CLICK HERE Youtube  : Instagram:  CLICK HERE

Structure of Bimonthly Exams, 2022

Structure of Bimonthly Exams, 2022 November  ☆●☆●☆●☆●☆●☆●☆●☆●☆●☆●☆●☆●☆●☆●☆ August ( Syllabus varies accordingly) Syllabus 6th to 10th : Datesheet & PTM