
Showing posts with the label Comprehension

Poster Comprehension on Childline Services

Poster Comprehension on Childline Services  Read it : Answer Key : 1. iv 2. i 3. i 4. i 5.  All except i ➡️ Join us today to get more study material  @  Facebook  ||    WhatsApp .  ||   YouTube   ||  WhatsApp Channel  ||  Telegram

Comprehension based on Conversation

  Read the conversation carefully and answer the questions.    (5 Marks)  Radhika: Hello, Kiran. How are you?  Kiran: Hello, Radhika. I'm good. Where are you going? Radhika: I am going to the Shopping Mall to buy some grocery items.  Kiran: How will you go there? Radhika: On bicycle.  Kiran: I want to buy some leafy vegetables. Can I accompany you? Radhika: Of course! Kiran: I have carried my jute bag, haven't you? Radhika: I too have it. It's time to go now. Let's go.  Kiran: OK. i) Where is Radhika going? ii) What does Kiran want to buy? iii) How are they going? iv) Which bag has been carried by Kiran? paper bag  b) jute bag       c) poly bag      d) cloth bag v) The word ' accompany' means  to go together with somebody.. (True/ False)

Comprehension based on Bar Graph - Sale of Musical Instruments

🎯⛳️🎯 Comprehension based on Bar Graph Graph   1. What is the bar graph about? a) number of instruments b) favourite instrument c) sales of musical instruments  d) none of the above ii) Which instrument is sold the most? a) guitar  b) trumpet  c) flute  d) piano iii) Which instrument has lesser sale than guitar? a) drum  b) flute  c) piano  d) all of these iv) What is the assessment time of given data? a) daily  b) monthly c) fortnightly  d) yearly  v) Which two instruments have equal sale?  a) guitar and trumpet b) trumpet and drum c) guitar and flute d) drum and piano 🎯⛳️⛳️🎯 Answer Key: 1. c 2. b 3. d. 4. d 5. d 🙏🙏  Join us to stay updated- Subscribe our Youtube Channel : Instagram:  CLICK HERE WhatsApp  :   Click here Telegram :  CLICK HERE Facebook :  CLICK HERE

12 Comprehension Passages

  Solve these 12 Comprehension Passages to boost your confidence. ⬇️⬇️     Keep learning, keep progressing! 🙏🙏  Join us to stay updated- Subscribe our Youtube Channel : Instagram:  CLICK HERE WhatsApp  :   Click here Telegram :  CLICK HERE Facebook  :  CLICK HERE ☆☆☆☆  Join our WhatsApp   Community group to stay updated :    CLICK HERE

Comprehension Passage # 10 (Robert Bruce)

☆○☆ Get more  Comprehension Passages   :  Click here 📌📌 Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow: Bruce was a brave king. Once he had to fight against a large army with just a few soldiers. He was defeated. He had to run for his life. Bruce took shelter in a forest cave. He was very depressed. His courage had left him. He was blankly gazing at the ceiling of the cave. An interesting scene captured his attention. A small spider was trying to weave a web across the cave ceiling. As the spider crawled up a thread of the web broke and the spider fell down. But the spider did not give up. He tried to climb again and again. Finally, the spider successfully climbed up and completed the web. Bruce began to think, “If a small spider can face failure so bravely, why should I give up? I will try with all my might till I win.” This thought gave strength to the defeated king. Bruce got out of the jungle  and collected his brave soldiers. He fought against the large army. He

Comprehension Passage # 9 ( Life)

Read the passage and answer the following questions:  (5x1=5) Life is not a bed of roses, but a bed of thorns. It is full of dangers and difficulties. In the race of life we should not be afraid of the risk. Science would not have made such wonderful achievements, if our scientists had not risked their lives and comforts. The more difficult a task is, the harder our efforts are to perform it. Life is not a smooth sailing. Petty difficulties frighten a weak heart who is not prepared to take a risk. But brave hearts achieve fame and honour because they enjoy taking risks. In short, risk brings success and works miracles. 1. Why is life a bed of thorns?     (a) It is full of entertainment                        (b) It is a bed of roses     (c) It is full of dangerous and difficulties        (d) All of the above 2. What is life according to the author?     (a) A bed of roses                                                 (b) A bed of thorns    (c) A bed of roses and thorns both           

Comprehension based on Pie Chart ( Ice- cream Sales)

  Look at the pie chart carefully and answer the questions.  i. What is the pie chart about?  a) ice-cream selling  b) ice-cream making  c) ice-cream eating  d) ice-cream buying ii. When is ice-cream sold the most?  a) on Monday  b) on Friday  c) on Thursday  d) on Wednesday iii. When is ice-cream sold the least?  a) on Monday  b) on Friday  c) on Thursday  d) on Wednesday iv.What is the assessment time of given data?  a) daily  b) weekends  c) weekdays  d) mid-week v. Which two days have equal sale?  a) Monday and Friday  b) Friday and Thursday  c) Thursday and Wednesday  d) Monday and Tuesday Solve it to give your best.  🚫🚫🚫 Answer Key : i) a ii) d iii) a iv) c v) d ☆☆☆☆  Join our WhatsApp  Community group to get the next parts  :    CLICK HERE (Save my number to see the link.)

Comprehension Passage # 8 (15th August)

Read the given passage and answer the questions that follow : It was the 15th of August last Monday. This day is celebrated as a national festival in India. It was on this day in the year 1947 that we won our Independence from British rule after a long struggle. This year we celebrated this festival in our school with great zeal. We had been working hard for a week to beautify our school. We prepared colourful banners and placards with patriotic slogans written on them. We decorated the whole school with flowers and flags of our country. The District Education Officer was the chief guest. There were different competitions held such as debate, declamation, paper reading, folk dance, rangoli making etc. I also participated and won the declamation contest. Our teachers told us about the freedom struggle and many freedom fighters of India. i. When did we win freedom from the British? a) 15th August, 1950 b) 15th August, 1951  c) 15th August, 1947  d) 15th August, 1946  ii. Which is the nat

Comprehension Passage # 7 ( Ancient India)

Read the given passage and answer the questions that follow : 🇮🇳 Ancient India is supposed to be the most advanced civilization ever. In many ways, the modern world owes much to ancient India.  One day while reading a magazine, I came across many reasons for which the world honours India. India made remarkable contributions in the field of mathematics. India invented the decimal system. Aryabhata  invented 'zero'. The decimal system was developed in India In 100 BC. A world famous University was established at Takshila (now in Pakistan) in 700 B.C. More than 10,500 students from all over the world studied more than 60 subjects. In the field of languages also India excelled. The ancient Sanskrit language is considered as the mother of many other languages. According to  Forbes Magazine, Sanskrit is the most suitable language for computer software. As far as medical science is concerned , Ayurveda is the earliest known school of medicine for humans. Charaka, the father of medic

Comprehension Passage # 6 ( Yoga)

Read the given passage and answer the questions that follow : 🧘‍♂️  Yoga was used in the ancient Indian system to keep a person fit in body and mind.  It is basically a system of self- treatment. According to the yogic view  diseases, disorders and ailments are the result of the same faulty ways of living bad habits,  lack of proper knowledge and unsuitable food.  The diseases are thus the resultant state of a short or prolonged malfunctioning of the body system. Since the root cause of a disease lies in the mistakes of the individual, its cure also  lies in correcting the mistakes by the same individual. Thus yoga relies entirely on the efforts of the patient to cure it himself. The expert shows  only the path and works on more than as a councillor.  1. What is Yoga? i) keeps a person happy ii) keeps a person active iii) keeps a person fit in the body. iv) keeps a person fit in body and mind  2. What causes diseases, ailments and disorders? i) some faulty ways of living  ii) bad habi

Comprehension Passage # 5 ( Valley of Flowers)

Read the given passage and answer the questions that follow : Valley of Flowers is a national park in Uttarakhand, India. Nestled in the Western Himalayas, the valley is located at an altitude of 3,600 meters above sea level and is famous for charming meadows of alpine flowers. Myriad alpine flowers stretched across 87.5 sq km. make this place a colourful paradise. The beautiful valley is also a world heritage site with its pristine beauty and mystical surroundings attracting nature lovers, photographers and botanists. Valley of Flowers is bifurcated by Pushpawati River. The locals believe that the valley was once inhabited by fairies. It is one of the famous trekking destinations in India. One cannot stay at the Valley of Flowers, therefore, Ghangaria, the base camp for the trek to the Valley of Flowers, remains an ideal place to relax and sleep.  The Valley of Flowers is a 3-km climb from Ghangaria. The Brahmakamal, the Blue Poppy and the Cobra Lily are some flowers that bloom in the

Comprehension Passage # 4 ( Sportsmanship)

Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow.   Sportsmanship means working in tandem to achieve a common goal. It also means team spirit, which teaches us the qualities  of punctuality, discipline, cooperation and obedience. Sportsmanship is to see how the goal can be achieved and not who has achieved it. Sportsmanship demands discipline. Sportsmen should not use unfair means to win a game. Sportsmanship  demands that they should not question their captain in any circumstance, for he knows what is best for the team. Games should not be played only for victory but also for simple pleasure. A sportsman should not feel depressed in defeat and lose his head over victory because it is an effort of the whole team; not only one person. People who lack sportsmanship are intolerant, narrow-minded, selfish and cannot have consideration for others as they are jealous of them. Therefore, to achieve a goal in life, one should have the spirit of a sportsman. i. What does sports

Comprehension Passage # 3 (A Plate of Gold)

Read the passage and answer the questions that follow: (5x1=5) marks  One day a wonderful plate made of gold fell from heaven into the court of a temple. The following words were written on it: "A gift from heaven to him who loves mankind the best". The priest of the temple invited people to the temple and told them about the gift from heaven. Everybody claimed that they loved mankind the best,  then each one got up one by one and narrated their own kind deeds. But as soon as they touched the plate, it turned into lead. The richest man in the village got up and spoke about his big charity, but as soon as he touched the plate, it turned into lead. A   poor farmer was also present there. He did not know about the plate. He sat in a corner quietly. The priest called him to touch the plate. He bowed to the plate and touched the plate. It shone more brightly. The priest awarded the farmer the plate as his love for mankind was true. i. Where did the plate of gold fall from? a)court

Comprehension Passage # 2 ( Abraham Lincoln)

Read the passage and answer the  questions that follow. (5×1= 5 Marks) One of the books of Abraham Lincoln , borrowed from a neighbour, was the ‘Life of Washington’. Washington had been the first President of the United States and was called the ‘Father of his Country’. Abraham liked the book so much that he took it up to his bed with him and put it between the cracks in the logs of his hut, so that he could read it as soon as he woke up in the morning. At night it rained and water came through the cracks and damaged the book. The owner of the book made Lincoln work in his fields for three days to pay for the damage. However, this did not stop Lincoln from borrowing books to read. He used to say, ”My best friend is the man who will lend me a book I haven’t read.”  i. Abraham Lincoln had borrowed the book  from _____________.  a. parents  b. a neighbour  c. President  d. a soldier  ii. _______was the first President of America .  a. George Bush  b. Barack Obama  c. George Washington  d.

Comprehension Passage #1(M.P Board Schools)

   Read the following passage and answer the following questions: (5X1=5 Marks) Students in M.P Board schools are stress free now. Besides altering several evaluation methods, M.P Board will now allow students who do not clear classes IX and X, three more attempts to make the grade before the next academic year begins. If they still fail, the Board could take into account performance in extracurricular activities and sports. Assessment, too, will be revamped. A child who fares poorly in written exams can be tested orally or via projects, to see if he has understood the concepts. Moreover, the M.P Board, which is in the process of making Board exams optional and replacing them with a system of continuous and comprehensive evaluation in class IX and X, now wants schools to show students their answer sheets over the two years andtake into account students feedback before the final grade is given. I ) The new evaluation system of the M.P Board ________ a) gives no importance to co-curricul

Sample Paper, Class 9

 Sample Paper, Class 9 🔊 Answer Key: 1. a 2. d 3. c 4. c 5. b 🔊 Answer Key: 6. c 7. a 8. b 9. c 10. a 🔊 Answer Key: 1. c        2. True 3. c 4. c                                    5. Three copper coins 6. a         7. False  8. b 🔊 Answer Key ( Section- D) : 6. a) birth      b) round  ( n) : He was declared the                winner in the first round .       round (adj) : He bought a round table.      c) huge =small          deep= shallow 🔊 Answer Key ( Section- E) : 7 a)Translation- English to Punjabi  1.ਉਸਨੂੰ ਈਰਖਾ ਤੋਂ ਦੂਰ ਰੱਖੋ।  2. ਇਹ ਇੱਕ ਅਜਿਹੀ ਘਟਨਾ ਸੀ ਜਿਸਨੇ ਵਿਗਿਆਨਕ  ਜਗਤ ਨੂੰ ਹੈਰਾਨ ਕਰ ਦਿੱਤਾ।      3. ਸਮਾਂ ਅਤੇ ਲਹਿਰ ਕਿਸੇ ਦਾ ਇੰਤਜ਼ਾਰ ਨਹੀਂ ਕਰਦੇ।           4. ਬੀਤ ਚੁੱਕੇ ਸਮੇਂ ਤੇ ਪਛਤਾਉਣਾ ਨਹੀਂ ਚਾਹੀਦਾ।                 5. ਅਕਾਸ਼ ਤਾਰਿਆਂ ਨਾਲ ਚਮਕ ਉੱਠਿਆ।                      7. b) Translation- Punjabi to English    1. I can speak Punjabi.              2. The sun rises in the east.  3. Has the gardener not been watering the plants since morning? 4. The teacher had not taught the.   lesson.  5. We

Solved Sample Paper, Class 6

 Sample Paper, Class 6 Answer Key: Q1. a) Comprehension Passage   i) (d) all of these ii) (d) Ganga                iii) (c) both 'a' and 'b' iv (a) ritual bath v. (d) twelve         Answer Key: Q1. b) Pie Chart i) (a) ice- cream selling    ii) (d) on Wednesday                iii) (a) on Monday                    iv (c) weekdays                            v. (d) Monday and Tuesday      Answer Key: Q1. c) Poster Comprehension  i) (c) save fuel for future  ii) (d) all of the above              iii) (a) rich                                iv (d) engines                   v. (b) public                      Answer Key: Q9. a Do as directed: i) (d) ice-cream  ii) (a) Jyoti                  iii) (c) pianos             iv (d) lice            v. (a) niece          vi. a) mistress    vii. b) lady          viii. c) we           ix. d) these        x. d) what                             xi. d) Does Pratima live in Mumbai?                           xii. b) I will buy Sony television